
21 7 0

Hello up there. Hey.
Tell me how was Your day
No talk? Well I have something to say
Now let me tell you what is on my mind
This whole life I've been kind
Helping others to find faith and hope
But when I ask from You there is a big nope
Why I chose a deer? Hear me I'm not an antelope
When they choose a wolf I understand
To survive they need a pack maybe I misunderstand
Everyone needs somebody
To wash them when the days are bloody

Some choose a snake
People say they're fake
But they are completely original
Real life animal
But above all
Their number is small
Always together just one faction
They don't have the word fraction
Like father like son
No regret for what they've done
No mercy for others
Good luck for different mothers

Now what and who is a deer
I'll tell but maybe not so clear
Got antlers to kill
Bigger feelings to feel
Always running and running away
From sunrise to it's delay
To do? Ask do I even may?
Not even wanted by the predator
Why there are no deers anymore
As a deer I am alone
As an animal I hope not on my own
Will the Sun give me some light
Will the Moon give me some might
To learn how to fight
The voices in my head to unite

I'm Nobody, I'm Everybody Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat