Chapter 15- Time For Regular Living

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YN’s P.O.V

I continued staring at the ring it was a secret engagement ring its my choice who I want to marry and well I’ll have to step off the throne or continue with Princeton ewww which one would I rather have Roc or Princeton and my chance to make a difference in Estonia? I stared long and hard.

Roc: Baby what’s the matter?

Me: Nothin I mean soon I’ll be Mrs August

Roc: smiles hard Yeah hun

Me: Roc.

Roc: What? 

Me: Do you ever think they’d catch us?

Roc: eats a piece of pancake Who?

Me: Ya know Princeton, the guards, Norman, The Kingdom in fact

He looked up givin me full concentration then put down his knife and fork he sighed after lookin up and turned back to me

Roc: Baby you know what?

Me: What?

Roc: When we first ran away I was scared every night dreamin that they’d catch me and skin me alive or next night rape you and excecute me these nightmares were brutal and enough to make me turn back and say enough but there was one motivation I had

Me: What was that?

Roc: You. paused See well when I had those dreams I’d wake up and see your angelic beautiful face that’s enough to make Lucifer the lead devil turn back to God as its soo beautiful that God could make that I mean I’d do anything for our love to even remain I want us to be us because this may sound cliche but you complete my heart fill my heart baby without you my life is purposeless and I’ll forever be the guy who cleans up for you I love you YN

A single tear fell from my glossy eyes that was that was BEAUTIFUL!

But I felt something cold a sudden breeze and I shudderes

Roc: Waitt I feel Im s’pposed to be sayin its how I do what happened?

Me: Just felt downfall I dunno why

End Of P.O.V

Princeton’s P.O.V

I could just smell her disgustin fragrance she was stayin at a hotel down on 143 Boudevoir Avenue 

Tas: She wont be there

Me: Dont worry I have my way Imma do it Guards take the day off I’ll call you when you should arrest him aight

Tas: You won’t find her

Me: Bitchhh please imma find that how before you can count to five

Tas: Right 1,2,3,4,5 where is she?

I chuckled 

Me: It’s an expression stupid girl

Tas: Whatever

I saw a hotel as I walked it was mornin and I saw a girl almost identical to YN cone put of a certain hotel yes it’s her I feel her aura yess I have like a sixth sense for that sorta shizz.

Tas: Oh crap

YN walked to a shop nearby and purchases some drinks well two and two yoghurts for her and that womanizer.

She turned around and saw me her face dropped and her let’s sprinted around the alleyway

Jess: Wasnt that YN?

Me: Let her run it becomes more excitin this way

Tas: She’s a smart girl she knows what to do…

But this time when Tas spoke she said it solemnly knowing that i have the people and power to bring her back.

Me: Hehe right

I walked towards the alleyway of which she ran thru my eyes searchin to and fro her purse fell to the floor I laughed oh how wonderful I have her purse she’ll have to search for me to get her money back oh woowww.

End Of P.O.V

YN’s P.O.V

I sprinted up the stairs that was Jacob who else has that grin and would stare me dead in the eye. I saw Tas and Jess nobody else oh Jesus Christ what am I gonna do so I dashed down the alleyway runnin around the corner and hoppin over the fench then goin thu the back of the hotel and usin the dumbwaiter.

I know runnin from your problems would only make em bigger but this one I don’t wanna face I mean yeah I guess I madeit bigger but like I just want regular living yesterday was extraordinary being queen was fun but I wanna be normal I pulled the dumbwaiter up to our floor top floor penthouse okay this wasnt normal but well okay.

Roc: Bae what happened?

Me: I saw Jacob


Me: Yes and I ran

I searched my pockets and I had a sudden realization. I dropped my purse in the alleyway holy crap!!!!

Me: I dropped my purse

Roc: Dont worry I’ll pay for ANYTHING you want baby

We took a moment to smile to each other

The door suddenly began to click and rattle as if someone was attemptin to get in

???: I know you’re in therrreee come on open this doooorrrr 

It rattled more and horror struck both of our faces was it him?


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