Chapter 3- Estonia/ Marriage Meeting

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Last Words
Me: So I need someone I don’t know and haven’t met wid and also I haven’t bonded wid him, So not getting married to some guy
Norm: Erm Im sure he will be a pleasant boy

YN’s P.O.V.
Norm: Pls your majesty calm down its onl- GCO
Me: The biggest decision of my life being took away so that someone else can take over my life!!!
Norm: Calm d- GCO 
Me: Me calm dow-
Pilot: Over Mic We will be reaching Estonia very soon in approximately 30 minutes this is the express royalty plane thank you
Me: I feel sick now I don’t wanna get married to a boy I don’t know I need to fall in love like… like…
Norm: Your parents did
Me: Yes
It was totally awkward now, I stared out the window hoping this mysterious “dreamy” dude was actually really cool but what can I say I’m bout to be queen don’t question the Queen lol
30 minutes later we’ve finally reached Estonia man I’d hate it if the ride was 3 hrs long I might aswell just well just greatest invention Express Planes
I saw the castle, it was absolutely beautiful, the white outside and the beaut of it all

Me: Do I have my own adviser?
Norm: Yes it can be anyone, your parent chose me because I was their friend and they only wanted one, you can have one and Pr- sorry your husband will have one too
Me: Okay fine but if it dont go well I can get rid of them
Norm: Yes you may
A boy walked in, good style and he was drop-dead gorgeous 
Boy: Sir Norman, is this the new Queen
Norm: Yes now get back to your job
Me: Who was that?
Norm: One Of your butlers/ bodyguard
Me: Awesome
Norm: Your higness pls settle in very well, now only use palace fones because people tryna hack into fones to find some gists but anyway I’ve gotta go
Me: Okay Norman see you around
Norm: walked out waving bye Bye Your Majesty
Now this was going to be scary Layla needs to know definitely
I called her from one of the ancient palace fones
Layla: Er… who is dis?
Me: Layla its me YN
Layla: Why are you out of bounds?
Me: I’m not in America
Layla: What
Me: I’m in Estonia apparently I’m their Queen since My parents were Royalty
Layla: Are you on pills or hallucination? No youre drunk arent you
Me: Shudup, I’m not even lying
Layla: __ no response
Me: I can fly you in if you want
Layla: sarcastically Actually that would be awesome!!!! I’d love to see you in Estonia
Me: Okay you’ll see a ticket to fly you in t’moz
Layla: If you’re lying Imma whoop your *** tmorrow
Me: Truss man and der was my butler he is just drop-dead gorgeous I’m telling you
Layla: Well okay
Me: I swear you were going to hang in LA 
Layla: Naah Tiarna chickened out and everything
Me: Have you seen RayRay anywhere?
Layla: Nope
The hottest butler/ bodyguard I’ve ever seen just walked into the room
Layla: YN whats wrong
Me: Da… Boy… Melted
Layla: Kk gotta go now
She hung up, I needed to hit her back nevermind now was my chance
Boy: Your majesty
Me: Yes… Didnt catch your name
Boy: I’m Trey aka Roc Royal or you can call me Trey or Roc, so Roc Royal at your service your majesty
Me: Talk about long intro
Roc: Looks embarrassed
End Of P.O.V.

Roc’s P.O.V
Oh My God I just saw one of the most beautiful Queens of all time but you know what happens to ones without guys they go to Marriage Meeting and come out engaged
Me: Your Highness where is your dear?
YN: Coldly At the marriage meeting
Me: Queens who go thrrough usually get good guys
YN: Yeah but I dont want this she signs and pouts the sits down at a chair
Me: gets closer Its okay Your Highness dont cry
YN: leans in …
Then BANG!!!! The door crashes open, it was a girl
Girl: Your Highness the marriage meeting is now
Everything turns awkward
YN: clears throat, sternly well goodbye Roc get back to your job
She walked out
Wow she wanted to steal a kiss from moi I’d be most delighted well I’m finna back to my job
End Of P.O.V.

YN’s P.O.V.
Clearly embarrasing she must’ve been thinking why id the Queen-to-be fraternising wid a pauper? Anyway he was the cutest boy and comforter
Girl: Your Highness I’m Jessica sticks out hand, I give her a handshake , I’ll be your maid and I can help you if you need help
Me: You already know who I am
Jess: Well certainly love was in their getting urself familiar with the butler
Me: I clearly dont admire him
Jess: stops in her tracks Rite well anyway youre taken goods, you have a marriage meeting so you’ll be officially taken
I didnt want this to happen, Roc was so sweet with love and comfort but thing is if I fall for him me and my “dreamy” husband wont live
Jess: By the way you cant get a divorce otherwise there’ll be war, pls try and get along wid your husband
Me: I’m only 17 yrs old
Jess: Well congratz you’ll probably loose your V-Card on your honeymoon look forward to sex on the beach
Me: No way giggles uncontrollaby
Jess: Lol, anyway we’re here
There was a huge door that said “Le Temple de counselling” which obviously meant “The Counselling Hall” I opened the door and looked around few people and one guy with a curly fro who looked about 18 yrs old I could guess my life stuck with the afro puff
Norm: La nouvelle reine est ici
Me: Yes I am here
Norm: Take a seat * I sat opposite teh obnoxious boy with the fro*
Lady: Hello I am Mrs Perez, Current Queen of Manala the neighbour Country of Estonia
Man: Hello I am Mr Perez, Current King Of Manala
Boy: Yeah Yeah and I am Jacob Perez Prince of Manala yeh you can call me Princeton
Norm: Okay thank you for the intro YN pls introduce yourself
Me: I am YN Queen-to-be of Estonia
Norm: We have the fate of our country in your…
As Norman droned on and on about our respnsibilties, I couldnt stop wishing Roc was the prince of Manana or wateva the name was, Princeton was just so vain in a way yet kinda but not as much as Roc’s hotness seriously I feel out of place wearing Jeans
Norm: … This will bring our countries together beginning the era of Estonia-Manala
MrsP: Okay lets leave it at Estonia-Manala
MrP: Last Step, the to be wed need to sign the engagement slip and put the rings on, Princeton
Prince: In French to me Je t’aime, YN vous prenez ma main en mariage à cause de notre amour à pour notre avenir me prendre, je vous aime now Estonian Ma armastan sind YN võtan käe abielu, sest meie tulevik koos ma armastan sind In English I Love You YN will you take my hand in marriage because of our future together I love You
Me: looking away Yes I will
I sign some contract and it seems like a business partnership uurgh!!! This is just sick
Norm: Mr and Mrs Perez, Je vous remercie beaucoup d’impatience la boule que vous voyez donc au mariage trop Bye et d’affaires plaisir de faire avec vous
Me: stood up I’m going to take a shower
Norm: yells Jessica take the engaged couple to their room
Me&Prince: WHAT!!!!!!

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