Before you read

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Well hello there little munchkins! And welcome to my first non-fanfiction story!

At school we were reading Bound by Donna Jo Napoli and it is a Chinese version of Cinderella. Then as an assignment, after we had finished the novel, we were made to write our own Cinderella story.

I was so excited! I love to write (obviously) and I already had a whole story laid out already! But then she dropped the bomb.

The story could only be two pages long.

How the hell am I going to be able to write a Cinderella story in two pages?! I didn't want to make up some crappy story, so I sat at my dining room table trying to think of a solution. Then I came up with it.

I could share it with you guys instead of my teacher.

Even though I really wanted for my teacher to read this and trying to see if I could impress her, I had to settle with impressing ou guys instead.

Anywho... I hope you enjoy Just another Cinderella story... :)

Kisses! -xAx

(Thanks to @_InLouWeTrust_ for the gorgeous cover! 😘)

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