6. Esc.

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"Where's my partner?" I ask Leigh, she's my doctor/ scientist. She's the one who injects me with whatever the fuck it is they do to me and makes sure I'm fully healed and ready for the next mission.
"He's out on a mission" she says simply. The thing about Leigh is she's less strict unlike the rest of the bastards here. I can actually ask her questions without getting tasered, but not too many she still follows hydras rules.
"With out me? That's strange" I hum shuffling under the restraints of the chair I was sat in.
"Listen" she hushes.
"Do you speak French?" She mumbles prepping a needle filled with a cloudy liquid.
"Pourquoi?" I whisper.
"génial, maintenant écouter attentivement nous ne disposons pas de beaucoup de temps ." She hisses feeling around my arm for a vein.
"pourquoi ce qui se passe?"
"vous et votre partenaire ne faites pas appartenez ici. vous où kidnappé, mais vous vous en souviendrez plus tard. moi et ce groupe de scientifiques sur il décidé de souffler cet endroit vers le haut. dans quelques jours vous et le soldat d'hiver sera envoyé sur une mission d'apporter captain america retour ici tout ce que vous, ne revenez pas" (sorry about all the French the translation is at the end of the chapter) she pretends to inject me before letting me go. That was strange, do I listen to her? I guess I'll just do as she says to be safe.

Once I was back in my cell I just sat there on the lumpy pillow waiting for the Winter Soldier to return so I can let him know what we have to do. This was so exhilarating and exciting, I've never broke the rules before but they can't punish us if we are dead. I say and waited with a grin spread across my face, this

I take off my black worn out army style jacket and fiddled with the thread that was hanging off my blue army style patch. As I go to pull the thread off the patch, it opens like a pocket. I thought I'd ripped it off until I realised it was a hidden pocket. I slip my fingers in and feel a small piece of plastic and piece of paper in there. I slowly remove it, glancing up at the cell door to make sure no one was watching. In the pocket was a a small piece of transparent plastic that had 4 small blue pills in it.
I placed them down on my bed and unfolded to piece of paper.

If In a emergency swallow one of these pills and one only, it'll take a few minutes to work but once it does your heart rate will slow down to 1 beat per minute and slow down all your bodies reactions so you appear dead, it'll last 48 hours to 62 hours. Tony.

I glance back at the pills and as I do the pain in my head returns as another memory washes over me.

"There is one thing i want you to have" Tony says handing me a packet of pills.
"What are these?" I asks examining the blue pills through the transparent plastic.
"Something I've been working on, when you swallow one of these they slow all your bodies chemical reactions down to almost a complete stop and reduces your heart beat to 1 beat a minute, because your mutant that is enough to keep you alive but to normal humans you will appear dead. So if you're in a situation where you need to fake your own death to get away just swallow one of them" Tony explains as I place them in the secret compartment behind one of my patches on my black army jacket.
"Good luck" he calls out.

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