twenty five- happy at home

Start from the beginning

"Mr and Mrs. Clifford have arrived, so I suppose I should go say hi. Excuse me," Tracy smiled. Tobie gave her a thumbs up and her cousin left, intertwining her hand with Michael's nervously.

Luke sat down on his suitcase, carrying on a conversation with Anne easily, as if he'd been doing it his whole life. Harry and Lauren stayed by Ashton's side, and Tobie leaned on Luke's shoulders, watching the direction Tracy and Michael went for a while until they came back, Michael's parents behind them.

When Michael's mom arrived, Anne handed her Tami, saying, "Congratulations, Karen, she's adorable."

Michael's mom quickly waved to everyone before taking Tami, and she smiled. "Mikey, Tracy, she's beautiful."

Tracy smiled and Michael laughed. "Obviously, because she's mine."

Michael's dad swatted his shoulder, "Don't be so full of yourself. It's like you're a Clifford or something."

Tobie smiled, not really involved with the conversation. Luke reached up and grabbed her hand, running his thumb across her fingers absently.

Everyone talked for around forty-five minutes before deciding on dinner, which Tobie was down for. She and Tracy watched as everyone agreed on one place and just nodded, having no clue what they were talking about.

Traveling together proved to be a production. Ashton and Calum went with Anne, Lauren and Harry; Michael, Tracy and Tami went with Michael's parents, and Luke and Tobie ended up getting a taxi.

"So...what do you think?" Luke asked once they were on the way to dinner. "How's Australia?"

"Busy," Tobie laughed. "But everyone's sweet.  But the only one that really still sounds like an Aussie is Ashton."

"I personally think he's part kangaroo, but he denies it." Luke said. Tobie smiled, looking out the window.

"It's so weird. You drive on the wrong side of the street here."

Luke chuckled. "That's how I felt when we moved to your freedom country."

"Go away," She laughed. "We're not as free as you other countries like to think."

When he didn't answer she looked over at him and smiled to herself. He was practically exploding with happiness. It was radiating off of him. His smile was huge, he was bouncing in his seat, and there was a light in his eyes Tobie hadn't seen for a while.

She was glad it was back.


Dinner was short but sweet, and the food was amazing. But Tobie would be lying if she said she wasn't happy to be at the hotel. They got there around seven, but at home, that was five in the morning. She was mentally and physically exhausted, and she really wished she'd been able to sleep on the plane.

When Luke handed her their key she was so relieved she wanted to cry. She followed Tracy and the boys to the elevator, then walked down the hall until she found
the room.

She wasted no time in opening the door and as soon as she did she dropped her bag. She walked to the bed and flopped down, face in the pillow.

When Luke came in he tripped over her bag with a yelp. "Tobie? What the-"

He stopped, laughing. "Who told you you should've slept on the plane? I did! Who knows you didn't sleep on the plane? I do! Who told you so? I did! I told you so."

"If you'd like to still have a girlfriend you should probably get in bed and shut up in under thirty seconds." She said, rolling out of the middle of the bed. She waited for the bed to dip but instead she felt him sit on top of her and give her a kiss on the nose, so she opened her eyes.

"I love you," he said, smiling.

"Ditto, now go to bed."

He laughed so she closed her eyes again, turning on her side. He groaned. "Don't be like that."


"Why don't you wanna be fun?" He said, poking her sides. She didn't respond until he started bouncing, then she tried to push him away, but he grabbed her hand and held it, so she sighed, giving up.

"Are you really upset with me?" Luke asked.

"No," Tobie answered. "But I don't like being wrong."

Luke laughed, rolling off her and laying down on his back. She watched him shut the lamp off and turn to her, smiling. He leaned down and kissed her, then wrapped his arm around her, rubbing her back. She sighed, closing her eyes, and before she could say anything else she was asleep.

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