sixteen- she's my best friend

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"You sure?" Tobie asked, turning in her seat.

Luke nodded. "Little tyke deserves to know."

She let a small smile grow, then reached across the glovebox and kissed Luke's cheek before hopping out of the car, waiting for him.

She grabbed his hand and they walked up to the door, Tobie steeling her nerves. Jackson Wheeler deserved to know why he couldn't go to daycare with his best friend.

She had gotten the idea to come to Jackson's house after around three days of moping in the hospital. She knew things were rough, especially with the holiday season approaching, but Tobie was not feeling the joy. And neither were the boys.

They all got kicked out of the waiting room this morning by Liz, and Tobie and Luke decided that staying at home was not going to be very helpful to them, or anyone else. So they went to Jackson's to spread some not-really-joyful news. But he deserved to know.

She had barely knocked on the door when Jackson opened it, a huge smile on his face. "Tobie!"

"Hey, buddy," she said, kneeling down to his level. "Is Mom home?"

"Yeah, hang on just a second," he said, then turned and ran deeper into the house. "Momma!"

Luke sighed, shaking his arms. Tobie stood up straight again and turned to him. "You don't have to do this if you're not ready."

He shut his eyes for a second, then opened them again. "I'm okay. I can do it."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

She nodded and turned back to the door. Jackson ran back and she scooped him up, tickling his sides. Ms. Wheeler stood in the doorway with Kody in her arms, a smile on her face. "Hey, guys! Come on in, please."

Tobie and Luke stepped in, Jackson squirming onto the ground. She slipped off her shoes and unzipped her coat, hanging it up. Luke handed her his jacket and kissed her cheek before following Jackson, who was extremely excited to see him.

She helped Sara in the kitchen and brought the boys out cookies and hot chocolate, which Tobie guessed was what Sara was making for her and Jackson.

They set down the platter and Tobie tapped her arm. "There's something I have to tell you, but in private. Do you mind..?"

"Of course not, honey, where would you like to go?" Sara asked, and Tobie could see the panic in her eyes.

Tobie led her to the doorway, away from Jackson, whom Luke was keeping occupied. She wrung her hands out in front of her and sighed, looking at Sara with unexplainable guilt. She almost started to cry but swallowed the lump in her throat. Sara had to know. Then they could break the news to Jackson.

Why was it so difficult? Tobie had told Sara everything, ever since day one.

Sara reached her hand out, rubbing Tobie's shoulder. "You can tell me, sweetheart. You know that."

Tobie nodded, wiping at her eyes where a small tear batch had started to grow. "I know, it's's a lot."

Sara nodded. "Better out than in, honey."

Tobie sighed, then closed her eyes and said it. "Jamie's got cancer."

She heard Sara's gasp, then felt the hand off her shoulder become two around her instead. Tobie opened her eyes, trying to keep it together. Sara was crying. Tobie knew it.

"How long?" Sara asked. "How long left?"

"Around two weeks." Tobie whispered. "We've known for three days."

"Oh my goodness," Sara said. Her voice was hollow, echoey. Tobie could relate.

"I'm sorry for not telling you sooner.." Tobie said, but Sara shushed her.

"It's not you, sweetheart. I understand. It's a lot to process, for both you and Luke."

Tobie nodded. "We came to tell you and Jackie."

"I'm not sure how he's going to handle this." Sara said. "How serious.."

"We could step out, if it's easier-"

"No, no, no," Sara said, looking Tobie in the eyes. "Jackie's gonna need you."


They sat down in the living room to tell him.

Luke held Tobie's hand, and she gulped. Sara had wanted Tobie to tell him, and kind of explain what it was. Sara said that Jackson would understand better with Tobie, and although Tobie didn't understand it, she went with it.

"Hey, buddy," Tobie said. She hated having to talk to him like this, but using her work-voice seemed to work even with the kids she knew the best. "We've got some news for you."

"Am I goin' to Disneyland?" He asked, eyes lighting up. Sara chuckled, rubbing Jackson's shoulder.

Tobie laughed. "No, kiddo. Not today. This is some serious news, so can you be a big boy for me?"

"Anything for you, Tobie," Jackson said sweetly. Tobie smiled.

"Thanks buddy." A knot grew in her stomach. She looked at Luke, who squeezed her hand tighter. Sara nodded when Tobie glanced at her, and Tobie figured she'd better get it over with.

She let out a breath. "Jamie's sick, Jackie."

"Oh? Did she catch the stomach bug? Momma had it last month, it was gross."

Tobie smiled. "No, kiddo. Jamie's, well. Do you know what happened to Jamie's mom?"

Jackson furrowed his eyebrows. "No."

Sara looked at her son. "Honey, I told you. Remember? Jamie's mommy wasn't doing good, she was in the hospital?"

"Oh yeah," Jackson said. "Yeah, I remember."

"Okay," Tobie said. "Well, Jamie's kind of going through the same thing."

"Is she gonna be okay?" Jackson asked. "Her momma was really sick."

Sara sighed. "Jamie's really sick, baby."

Tobie gulped again, anxiety rising up like a bomb. "Jamie might not make it, honey."

Jackson's face dropped. "You mean, she might.."

Tobie didn't even try to wipe the tears away off her face. "Jamie might die, Jackson."

Sara got up and left the room. Jackson's face crumpled into such sadness that it made Tobie's heart break, and she opened her arms, Jackson running right into them. He held her tight and she held him tighter, crying with him. Luke got up and checked on Sara, and Jackson sobbed into Tobie's arm.

"But, but Jamie's my b-best friend," He said, not looking up. "She can't leave me. I can't live without her, Tobie."

Tobie nodded, getting over her tears before replying, "I can't either, buddy. Nobody can."

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