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Hey! Here's Chapter 8! Hope you enjoy this chapter more than the last one!


I flashed back to the first time I was stranded on that dreaded beach. Being forced to stay in a separate universe forever, never again to see the one I loved. We only had two minutes. Two minutes to talk, two minutes to laugh, two minutes to cry. And most importantly, two minutes to say goodbye.

I didn't even get a proper goodbye; the transmission cut off before he could finish. How was the Doctor going to end that sentence? Anyone could have made a guess as to what he might've said, but there's nothing like hearing the words come rushing out of the other person's mouth. For a second, one whismical second, I thought he was about to profess his love for me. Who was I to think that he loved me compared to all his past "girl friends"?

Scenes suddenly streaked by in a corner of my mind. I tried to connect them before realizing they were from the past week. Time flies when you're having fun, I suppose.

Looking down on the scene almost as if from above, I saw myself standing in between the two Doctors. After I realized the new Doctor's human part would cause him to live a natural life span, the TARDIS groaned. The Doctor informed me of his departure, but not before I demanded him to tell me what he was planning to say the last time he left me on this terrible beach.

I remembered turning to face the newer Doctor after the original had found a way around my question. Luckily, he knew the answer and was willing to tell me. Bending down slowly, he slipped his hand around my waist and whispered in my ear. All he said was three words, but those words had enough power to change my whole world; literally.

I found myself staring into the eyes of the Doctor, his current concentration focused on the ground. He searched for the words within himself to tell me exactly how he felt. The Doctor never was one to rehearse lines; he came up with things as he went along.

I stood close enough to hear him take a gulp. Then, he continued to speak. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you; forever. Will you do the earthly honor of marrying me?"

My immediate reaction was a pure look of shock. I wondered; since when does the Doctor get married? Soon, however, the realization sank in as I remembered that this was the human Doctor we were talking about. Even if he was the "real" Doctor, who was to say he couldn't get married? The Doctor could do whatever the heck he wanted.

After overcoming the sudden surprise of the situation, I began to use logic. This must've been why he and Dad had a talk. I knew they were hiding something from me, I thought. Of course, Mum and I discussed the topic in the kitchen too, but that's different. What else were we supposed to talk about?

Anyway, Mum wanted to know how our "relationship" was going. "What relationship?" I asked. "The Doctor never officially asked me to be his girlfriend." "What do you expect? He's a 900+ year-old Timeking!" she exclaimed. "Timelord, Mum." I corrected with a sigh. "Whatever. You know what I mean." she replied.

What seemed like half an hour passed. I blinked my unmoving eyes and once again found the Doctor staring me straight in the face, though it seemed like he was taking an x-ray of my soul. It was difficult to speak, feeling the intensity of the scene; everything depended on me. When the word deemed itself "ready", I let the oxygen carry it up my esophagus and push it out. It was soft on the surrounding air, much like a feather.


I stood there in fear of rejection, one of the many human features that made me "me". Did Rose Tyler really love me like I thought she did? Would our love stand up to the test of marriage? I had pondered over things as such before, but never did the answers come so disturbingly. Standing there waiting for her response was agonizing.

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