Someplace More Casual

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If you want to know what some of the weapons I have mentioned or described are in further detail, then go to the TARDIS Data Core Wikia. They have some really cool information.

I couldn't believe it. Did I just hear what I thought I heard? Was Rose really... dead? I didn't know what to feel. I shook the feeling away before it could consume the rest of me. No, they were probably just testing their weapons in another room nearby. What were the chances that the shot I heard came from the exact same area Rose was in?

But as hard as I tried, I could not push down the feelings of my conscience that were quickly forcing their way up. What felt like a rock slammed into my stomach, and I had the gut feeling you see all the time on television. That moment when the character realizes what's actually happening, but can't seem to accept it. That's what I was feeling as I thought about what I knew to be true.

Sudden rage filled my hearts and I ran to the bars that kept me from escaping. Shaking them wildly, I yelled, forgetting and ruining all chances of a secret escape. "Stop! You've got to stop!" Another group of men came from around the corner and ran toward my cell. "What have you done?" I choked angrily, tears beginning to leak from my eyes. Soon, I realized I was falling back into my old habits of having fits of righteous anger, something no one wanted to be in the middle of.

"Sir, calm down. You're going to have to stay here until further notice." one man informed me. I ignored him and continued to shake the bars. "Sir, don't make me do this." he warned, pulling out a small, red staser pistol from his waist belt. In response, I removed my sonic screwdriver from the inside pocket of my jacket.

Thinking fast, I thrust it above my head and aimed at the security camera on the ceiling. After blowing that up, I positioned it towards a corner on the far side of the room next to the spare gunpowder. The sonic screwdriver acted like a spark and set the powder ablaze, smoking and sending fireworks shooting across the room. While the bright explosions provided me with a distraction, I snatched the keys from the man's belt loop, unlocked the cell door, and ran away towards anywhere that might lead me to Rose.

Sprinting through the corridors would've been more exciting if I wasn't doing it to save Rose. I didn't realize how much running I had to do, but hey, it's all worth it in the end, right? I just hoped I would get to her soon enough.

Peeking in every other doorway seemed to be no help to find Rose's location, so I tried another strategy. I forced myself to remember in which area I had heard her scream. I also thought about which way they dragged her from the cell not too long ago. Using as much of my knowledge as possible, I finally reached the room. Just in time to see Rose, chained to a wall, be shot with what seemed to be an impulse laser.

Wanting to shout out, but unable to because of my shock, I instead ran to her side. "Rose," I whispered softly, unfastening the manacles that chained her with my sonic screwdriver. I kneeled down on the ground and held her carefully, rocking back and forth, almost as if I was trying to put a baby to sleep. A baby...

I flashed back to the last year or so in my life when I traveled with Donna. I remembered the moment as if it were yesterday. Laying there, holding my so-to-speak newborn daughter in my arms, now dead because of one man's pride and anger. I didn't think I could care that much for something like her, or vice versa, but Donna taught me a lot of things. I look back on that situation now and think, If only I had a few more days with her. I could've taken her to the farthest ends of the galaxies, just like she wanted. But now I know that some things, especially terrible ones, are meant to happen to certain people, at certain times, in certain places. And that one person was me.

As I gazed down upon yet another dead body of someone I loved, I couldn't help but to cry. What was I supposed to do now? The original Doctor, the one Rose fell in love with, had told me that she was my other half to help me maintain my human nature. How would I do without her? Was I going to be stuck, much like Rose was, in this parallel universe with no one to talk to?

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