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Please watch the link on the side!!! You can watch all of it if you really feel like crying, but you only need to watch from 4:20 to the end. Very important and heart-breaking! ;(

Update: I've heard that the video I've attached won't play, and I can't seem to find another one with what I'm looking for. The video showed Rose's exit in Journey's End, so if you'd like to watch that on Netflix or Hulu, you can. I just thought it would be easier if I attached a video. Oh, well. Anyway, carry on!


The TARDIS landed, and all five of us stepped out; Jackie was leading the group, going on about "bloody Norway" and how she was determined to find Rose's father. She then proceeded to ramble on to my other half, telling him what had recently happened in the parallel universe. Oh, Jackie. I was going to miss her. But not as much as you're going to miss Rose." my conscience reminded me. Was I sure I wanted to leave her here again? Even though she can't quite grasp the fact that being here with the other me is better, I hoped that he would pick up on I and tell her. It was difficult, having to rely on Meta-Crisis me to tell Rose exactly how I feel, without missing any of the details. As much as I, you know, like her, I have to make sure I don't give out any mixed signals on whether I love her or not. It has to be clear that I don't care too much for her anymore. Otherwise, she would rather stay with me than my copy.

I focused on what was happening now and pushed my thoughts to the back of my mind as I heard Rose ask, "Hold on. This is the parallel universe, right?" "You're back home." was all I could say at the moment, unable to find the right words. Luckily, Donna helped me out by explaining the dimensional rip closure. However, Rose wasn't ready to accept that, and sadly, neither was I.

"No, but I spent all that time trying to find you, I'm not going back now!" she exclaimed, tears threatening to flow any second. I took a deep breath and looked at her with seriousness, explaining the reason. "But you've got to. Cause we saved the universe, but at a cost. And the cost is him. He destroyed the Daleks; he committed genocide. He's too dangerous to be left on his own." "But you made me!" my other self protested. "Exactly." I replied. "You were born in battle. Full of blood and anger and revenge." I turned to face Rose. "Remind you of someone? That's me, when we first met. And you made me better. Now you can do the same for him." "But he's not you." she said softly, with a gentle force behind it, almost like a steady breeze on a spring day. Thinking fast, I told her, "He needs you. That's very me."

Once again, Donna came to my rescue and tried to explain further how this wasn't so bad after all. "But it's better than that, though. Don't you see what he's trying to give you? Tell her, go on!" she verbally nudged the me in the blue suit. Standing across from Rose, I glanced at her with what I hoped to be a blank stare, waiting for the other Doctor to say something that made her want to be with him. Thankfully, his thoughts mirrored mine.

"I look like him, I think like him. Same memories, same thoughts, same everything. Except, I've only got one heart." He paused and Rose took the opportunity to ask the obvious. "Which means?" The Meta-Crisis Doctor continued. "I'm part human. Specifically the aging part. I'll grow old, and never regenerate. I've only got one life, Rose Tyler. I can spend it with you, if you want."

Silence filled the air for only a short moment; Rose broke it by confirming what seemed to be true. "You'll grow old at the same time as me?" "Together." the Doctor copy answered. I thought he couldn't of said it better. Rose looked at him in slight disbelief and laid her hand on his chest to prove what was said to be true.

As if saying, "Allons-y!" to Donna and I, the TARDIS groaned. "We've gotta go. This reality's sealing itself off; forever." I told Rose. I didn't want to leave just yet, though I knew I had to. But how could I just walk away and leave the girl I... cared for... so much on this beach for the second time in her life? It just didn't seem fair, to me and to Rose, apparently. She stopped me as I was on my way to enter the TARDIS. "But... It's still not right. Cause the Doctor's, still you." she stuttered. "And I'm him." was my short reply.

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