Chapter 1- Clumsiness Is My Curse

Start from the beginning

Typical Mason McIntosh.

I laugh in exasperation of my idiotic brother while I flip my feet unto the cold hardwood. My feet hit the floor with a thump and I flip my torso up swiftly. My locks of curls fall onto my back. My heart quickly skips many beats and the breath is knocked out of me. I clutch my abodomen with both hands and slowly try to catch my breathe again.

The feeling is about equivalent to falling out of the swing as a child and landing on your chest. With all the breath you had escaping your body, as if your lungs slowly forgot how to work.

I start panicking as my lungs wouldn't regstered the air I tried to breathe in. I lift my hands over my head and slowly I could breath again.

Gosh, Mason must have hit me hard.

"That oaf." I say gritting my teeth but the scowl turned into a smile.

Five minutes later, I had changed into a soft light blue comfortable long sleeve t-shirt, my favorite dark wash skinny jeans, and grey aztec designed Vans. I let my hair run free since their was no use in trying to tame the lion tonight.

I run down the staircase finding Mason laying on one of the multiple red couches in the living room.

"Ready Em?" He asks hoping up from the coach and grabbing his keys.

And like that we are out the door and into his jeep ready to roam throughout town.


"We've got to get gas, then we are meeting Gage at Zaxby's. Okay?" Mason discusses concentrating on turning in and out of lanes to the nearest Texaco.

"Yeah, that's cool. Who's Gage?"

I question thinking through all of Mason's friends I know. Then thinking about all the "Gage's" I know at Trinity Academy.

Still no Gage.

Trinity Academy is a very confined private school, and only accepts certain students with high potential. Mason, Raleigh, and I have attended ever since we were younger. But Raleigh left for college two years ago, leaving Mason and me.

"Oh, he goes to Vermillion High." Mason said kind of biting his lip and avoiding eye contact.

"Vermilion High? As in The Vermillion High?" A disgust look comes plastered over my face, which made Mason hesitant when he saw.

Vermillion High is our towns public school, which means Trinity and VHS are completely separate. The understated rule of Trinity, that everyone knows is, that you do not, under any conditions, befriend the lower and uncivilized.

"C'mon Em. Just please give Gage a chance. He's a cool guy, you'll like him," Mason says then pauses and thinks and out of the corner of his eyes look at me, "but only as a friend."

"Sure whatever. Who even names their kid Gage?" I ridicule flaunting my arms trying to get a reason not to like Gage.

"It's a normal name!" Mason argues.

"No, it's not!"


"Because I said so!"

"Because your name is so normal. Hello Gage, my name is Emerson and I'm too good for you so bow down to me and my oh-so-normal name!" Mason bickers back and impersonating a girl dramatically flipping her hair and rolling her eyes.

"Oh shut up, I am not! I just don't like his name." I argue back.

Mason does not understand the rules of life.

"Give Gage Peters a chance."

"Whatever I will."

"Good, now here go in and buy me some gum." Mason said pulling out a wadded five dollar bill out of his pocket and handing it to me.

I give him an exaggerated mean look and took the money and getting out of the car as he parks by a vacant station.

"Get ya self something while you're at it." He says, winking at me.

With that I slam the door on my brother and walk into Texaco.


The bottom of my Vans hit the pavement of the parking lot quickly as I hurry into the gas station with my arms flowing by my side.

My plan to go in without drawing attention is ruined quickly.

"Owww!" I scream as my finger hit against someone's motorcycle while swaying my arms.

After surveying my hurt left hand and ring, I look at the black surface and see a wide scratch about two inches long.

I am dead. Some huge motorcycle man with 27 tattoos and his redneck skimpy dressed babe are going to walk out any minute and have my neck.

I am so dead. I need to get away from this crime scene.

Running into the gas station, I locate the candy aisle quickly avoiding any big men with scraggly beards and big muscles.

Turning into the aisle, I notice the crowding of young children and an older child so I stay by the entrance of the aisle. The kids were laughing and running throughout the aisle leaving the older boy and I frozen in our path.

"Samuel and Tyler!" A lady's voice yells from the front of the store and immediately the kids bolt to her side. Hearing the disapproving scolds from the mother, made me giggle, drawing the attention from the older child.

His attention wasn't drawn to me though, but still the two little boys and their mother standing many feet behind me. A smirk forms on his face as well as he slowly shook his head and focused his gaze back on the candy choices.

As my gaze on him grew, I realized the "older boy" was not a boy at all, but a teenager like myself. His light brown locks were styled above his head complementing his facial bone structure. His concentration was so fixed on finding the right item he didn't notice me standing there at all.

'Okay, I need him to notice me. I need a plan.' I think to myself.

My feet begin moving faster then my brain as I trip over the swirly stand of the chip rack on the end of the aisle. Stumbling, the boy's eyes slowly divert off his gaze of the items and stare at my feet. Then his eyes traced up my body, see my face, and quickly look away.

Wow. Clumsiness just had to be my curse.

'That was not the plan.'

My cheeks turn hot and I could feel the words 'Klutz' being scribbled on my forehead in huge letters.

I stand there frozen and embarrassment swells over me. Of course, I would trip in front of a cute boy and he would give me a stupid look.

"Gosh, I am such an idiot." I mutter to myself, quietly enough he wouldn't hear.

I make another swift movement and snatched something off the shelf right beside of his gaze. I just want to leave the store and avoid further embarrassment.

With the random item in my hands, I pushed open the glass gas station door and made my way to Mason's car, still with the embarrassment plaster across my face.


Hey everyone! This is my new story, "Numinous". The definition of numinous is mysterious or awe-inspiring and I think it sounds pretty cool ;). Please be patient with me this is my first wattpad story. Thanks for checking it out!

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