Chapter 1- Clumsiness Is My Curse

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Chapter 1-

Clumsiness Is My Curse

Frustration surrounding my entire body as I struggled to get my new mirror straight. The white decal around the edges creating a frame went well with my vintage pastel lace cream room. The mirror was about the size of my arms stretched out to the extent.

Finally getting it perfect, I stared at the reflection I saw.

Dark brown natural loose curls on the ends hit my hips creating my body to appear even slimmer. The designs of bright blue, dark green, and an indigo created swirls and stripes making my eyes appear exotic. My squared off white teeth are awkwardly being grasped by painful metal and rubber bands.

I am quite small for an average sixteen year old. I hit about 5'5 feet tall and a staggering 102 pounds to be exact.

I continue to make odd facial expressions in my new mirror making myself giggle after every single one. Gosh, I am a weird teenager.

"Having fun there?" A deep voice says behind me causing my concentration to be lost and my gaze to the figure behind me.

"Mason! I almost got my tongue to touch my nose. Do you know what kind of skill that takes?" I question, furrowing my eyebrows at my older brother, because he had broken my much needed concentration.

"Not much I thought." He replies making a exaggerated face and touching his tongue to the tip of his nose.

Show off.

This causes my eyebrows to lower more into parralel lines across my eyes. It took every ounce of self control not to laugh at this boy.

"Cheater." I state walking around to my bed and jumping on top of it, declaring that I forfeit.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"


"At least I'm not a cheater!"



Mason starts to laugh as he runs from the doorframe and jumped on top of my bed belly first causing me to almost fall off. Instead I land backwards on my back the same as Mason.

Laughing, I sit up and Mason did the same. Ruffling through my hair with my hand for my eyes to see, I concentrate of Mason's game plan face.

This is going to be good.

"Ok, here's the plan. Since mom and dad are at the wedding for the whole weekend. I figured we should go out and about throughout town." He discusses as if we were about the rob a bank secretly.

"Sounds good to me. I'm getting hungry anyways."

"Alright. See you downstairs in ten!"

"Aye aye sir!" I yell back as he jumped off my white duvet cover and onto the dark washed hardwood.

"Don't you sass me, miss." He says pointing a finger at me as he turned back around.

Clearly, imitating our mother.

Instead of slamming the door and leaving like I thought he would, he glides into a fierce tackle. I shrill in terror at the sight of his huge body coming at me. His body crashes onto mine causing the air to leave my body and flipping me upside down on my back. He jumps swiftly up and around my limp body leaving my head almost touching the floor with the rest of my body on he bed.

"Help me down Mason!" I shrill.

"Now you have 8 minutes!" he called as I hear his footsteps running down the stairs, and his laughter echoing throughout the house.

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