47 Seconds

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(I was shot in the chest and I remember every second)

Richard Castle walked into his favorite coffee shop, ordering two coffees for his partner and and him. He thanked the barista and sauntered out into the cool New York breeze, He knew she was having a hard time with this bombing case, all those families she had to comfort, the pain she was feeling for the ones who lost their parents. 

He himself was having trouble, if it had been Alexis he wouldn't have survived. Castle walked up the steps of the 12th precinct, waving hello to the uniformed cops stationed.

 Over his four years over consulting he had slowly been accepted into the police station, they all enjoyed him, most of them were friendly. The unfriendly ones he simply left alone, giving them a donuts every now and then. 

"Hey LT." He gave him and smile as he passed the man. "Hey Castle, they're all upstairs." he informed, pressing the elevator button. "Thanks, I know Beckett might need a little cheer up." he mumbled, looking at the two coffees in his hands. A noise chimed through the elevator and the doors slid open, Castle gave LT a pat on the shoulder before walking into the bullpen.

 He spotted Epso and gave him a slight smile, "Hey bro that for me?" He teased seeing the coffee. Castle smirked, "Not on your life Espo." The Latin shrugged and buried his head in a file. "Beckett in the break room or something?" He asked, looking around for his partner.

 Espo shook his head and took a bit of the muffin on his desk, "Nah bro, we caught Bobby Sanchez, she's in the box with him." He mumbled with a full mouth. "No one called me!" Castle squeaked, making his way towards the observation room.

 Espo smirked and licked his fingers, "Maybe next time you'll get me a coffee!" Rick made his way into the observation room that was unoccupied, he flipped on the audio switch, his eyes landed on his beautiful detective. 

He still had a spark of hope buried somewhere in his heart for them, maybe she had feeling for him? She seemed to smile more, whenever he gave her daily coffee she would let her hands brush along his for a moment longer. 

He thought he was reading the signs correctly, he had almost told her yesterday, had almost been able to re tell his feeling to her but the case tore her away. He was going to tell her today, case or not. "Please Bobby, why'd you really take the backpack!? Were you paid!" Beckett slammed her palm onto the table. 

Castle smirked, she was on a roll. The next sentence out of her mouth, Rick never saw it coming. "I'm telling you lady I don't remember! It has to be some kind of trauma" The kid pleaded, putting his face in his hands.

 Kate violently shook her head and pointed her finger in his face, "Don't remember!? I was Shot in the chest and I remember every second!" She punctuated each word out. Castle felt his heart fall into the deep pit of his stomach, he took in a long sucked breath and felt the sting of tears filling his eyes. "All this time? You remembered." He murmured, how could...she lied to him! 

Straight to his face lied to him MULTIPLE times! 10 months, 10 months of pain and waiting. He felt a wall of numbness wrap around his already broken heart, Castle shook his head, "I can't be hear right now." He choked. He ran out of the observation room, placing the coffee cup that was meant for her in Espos hand.

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