Chapter 6: Taken

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today you're gonna



Frankie knew that he should no longer be the victim. He was going to have to grow more confidence just as Chyna showcased, & more determination just as Areli showcased.

"We have to go," Areli said.

Frankie looked at his room one more time & sighed deeply. He didn't want to leave his room that way. His dad was such a neat freak, which strongly annoyed Frankie, but he wanted to clean it for his dad.

He used his telekinesis to pick up his lamp, & a few posters that had his favorite superheroes on them. He placed it all on his bed, & walked toward the posters.

He stared at the posters.

Areli was ready to go. "Frankie, you can look at superheroes later."

"My favorite superhero is my dad," Frankie let them know. "I just.. I don't get why I can't be great like them.. I wanna be a great.. I have to become... great."

Frankie put his head down in sadness. He wanted to be confident, but it wasn't an easy task for him.

Chyna patted him on the back. "Come on sugah, let's get you home."

Frankie knodded.

The 3 went home.


'Fray Fraaaaay,'  Frankie heard in his head, 2 hours after going home. He was sleeping at his desk when he heard it.

He communicated back. 'Selena?!?'

He turned around to Chyna. She was asleep on his bed.

"Selena!" Frankie yelled aloud, to wake Chyna up.

Chyna immediately got up. Areli walked to the doorway from Selena's room.

"I think Selena contacted me," Frankie told them.

"Well contact her back!" Chyna urged.

Frankie knodded.

'Seleeenerrr, was that you?'

'Uh durrrrr. Who else would it be, Fray man?' Selena replied.

Frankie smiled at Chyna & Areli.

Areli kept her serious stance, but both Frankie & Chyna could tell that she wanted to jump for joy.

Frankie started communicating back with Selena, while saying his thoughts aloud so that Chyna & Areli could know what he was saying to Selena.

'S. Lo, where are you?'

'Well I'm at like this really dark place, & like.. I can see the people that took us. Alllll of them. But they can't see that my eyes are kinda opened. They're talking about using mind control on us.. Us, but I don't see Jaiquan or Hira anywhere around me. But.. I can feel their presence. They're totally near me.'

'Okay, Selena can you block them from entering your mind?'

'Depends on how strong the psychic isss, Free Fraaay. But most likely, of COURSE. I'm the Selener. But.. I shouldn't block them.'

'IS you high?! WHY NOT?!'

'Becaussse, Fray de Angry! If I do that, that will alarm them & er um.. they could just uh kill uh meee.'

'OMG SL. You want them to control you?'

'LISTEN, FRAYSEN. You never let me finisssh. What I'm gonna do is trick them into thinking that they have control of me. Illusionsss. But, that's IF I AM stronger than them. 'Cause we don't know these folks. They might be more powerful than the Selener.'


'I knooow, I knooow. You hatez the Selener.'

'No, I wantz the Selener to be SAFE! ... along with the Jaiquaner & the Hir-er.. & my fath--er..'

'I know, you're my BFFFFFFL.'

'Yeah, I -'

'Wait. Now they're talking about sending us to come kill you guys.'

'Sending you to come kill us?! UH OH.'

'Yeah, let's hope I am stronger than the psychic they have.'

'Yeah, let's freaking hope. Because if they get control of you, this could be a war. It'd be me against Hira, you against Areli, & Chyna against Jay Jay. And even though Areli is THE fighter, you put up a good fight with your skills you have, plus your mental strength? My gosh..'

'I gotta go, they're bringing in Hira & Jaiquan now. I can see them & they're about to start the mind controlling process. Just be ready. Bye!'


Frankie frowned. "She broke off communication. I don't know what to -- hold on. I'm getting something else from Selena. It's like mind mail.."

Frankie listened to what the message from Selena said, & then repeated it aloud while replaying it in his head.

'They've got control of Hira now & they're finishing up with Jaiquan. Lucky meee, I'm last. Anyway, I know what street we are going down to get there. Go down Main Street, the way we go to get burgers on Selena Saturdays. Don't let them get to our house. Hurry. Leave now. They're walking towards me. Let's hope they don't control me but be ready for them to. Kisses! - Selenaaaaa.'

Frankie explained everything.

"Okay," Areli let out. "Well we must go, now." She walked to the front.

"You ready, sugah?" Chyna asked Frankie, hopping up from the bed & putting on her boots.

"Yeah.. Thanks for asking. Are you?" Frankie replied, putting on his shoes & his jacket.

"Dearie, don't worry about lil' ole me. You'll be worrying forever," Chyna said sweetly, followed by a walk out of the room, towards the front door.

Frankie followed.

Areli let out a light sigh. "Let's go."

She opened the door.

Frankie gasped at what he saw.

Chyna screamed.

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