Chapter 2: Areli

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Winning & willing, unstoppable reign.

go against her & your pain will remain.

She might just ask you, "Are you ready?"

But you never will be, when against Areli.


Hira immediately used her aura constructing ability to block off the men, to protect herself.

The men were striking at her blockage. They were really strong & it made Hira panic.

They were a bit too strong.

It seemed as if their hits to the blockage were getting harder and harder..

'They have super strength! I need to get away from here!'

As soon as Hira was getting ready to teleport, she heard a voice say "Leave her."

Areli Quiroz. She was known as the unofficial best fighter in the world.

Areli was mixed. Her dad was Japanese, while her mother was Mexican. She had an olive skin tone & jet black hair, just like Hira, except hers was about five inches longer than Hira's.

The men stopped hitting Hira's blockage. One of them said, "She is a trespasser, Ms. Quiroz."

Areli stepped down her steps with her serious demeanor & came closer. "I did not ask you what she was. As a matter of fact, I didn't ask you to speak at all," Areli hissed.

The man who had spoken grunted.

"Areli!" Hira yelled cheerfully.

"Do not speak to Areli unless she authorizes you to!" another man yelled. He was standing the closest to Hira & he frightened her a bit. He was the tallest one.

"She can speak when she wants, she is not you, you are not her." Areli glared at the man, then said "Hello, Hira."

Hira ran to Areli & the men moved out of her way. Hira hugged Areli tightly. Areli did not hug back. She admired Hira (although Areli rarely admired anyone), but she did not like hugs.

After Hira was done showing how much she missed Areli, Areli told Hira to step inside. Hira looked back & could see the men's eyes piercing her skin as she walked up the steps, & then inside Areli's place.

As soon as they were inside with the front door closed, Areli asked, "Hira. Why are you here?! Why did you come to such a dangerous place, especially for someone who is your ethnicity?!"

Areli looked Hira straight in the eyes. Hira could feel how serious Areli was.

Hira all of a sudden looked sad again. "Because I have some bad news for you.. It's really important."

"What is it?!" Areli demanded.

Hira sighed. "Sit down, Areli."

Areli took a seat quickly.

Hira had to build up the courage to tell Areli. She knew how much Areli would care about what she was about to tell her. She looked at Areli, who was again looking Hira straight in her eyes, then looked down at the ground. She could not figure out how to say it to Areli.

"I do have all day, but then again, I don't. Come on, Hira," Areli urged.

It flew out of Hira's mouth, all of a sudden. "He died."

"Who?" Areli interrogated.

"Mr. ----"

There was a loud boom.

"What the... This doesn't happen here," Areli said.

Areli & Hira rushed outside. The men were coming up the steps toward them.

"What happened? Are we under attack?!" Areli asked the men, who worked for her.

"No.. you two are," one of the men said. The men were grinning evilly at the 2.

Areli giggled. Areli never giggles. "Do you really think that just because there are 20 of you & all of you have enhanced strength, that you can beat me? And with Hira beside me?" Areli giggled again. "Do you know who we are? Do you know who I am? You work for ME. But now, since you are attacking me, you will be buried by me."

The men still kept walking slowly towards them. Hira looked worried. "Fine. Your funeral," Areli released.

Areli threw out her hand to about ten of the men.

Areli had the ability of vibrokinesis: she could vibrate her being, part of the environment, & project vibrations through almost any medium. She could even phase through a solid object by vibrating her molecules. She could project attacks through the ground, water, and air, and inflict harm by vibrating a solid to dust or pulp.

The vibrations that she let out towards the men pushed them all the way down the stairs. The other half of the men charged toward her & Hira.

Areli wanted to fight the other ten. She could have just knocked all of the men down the steps at once. But obviously, Areli likes a challenge. Even though they still weren't much one.

Hira immediately used her aura constructs to create huge spiders to bite at the men attacking them. The black & bright orange spiders began doing their jobs flawlessly.

Areli went straight for all of the men coming towards her. She kicked one straight in the stomach, back flipped & kicked one from over his head, knocking his head to the ground, used her vibrations to push one man into the other, causing them to tumble down the stairs, flipped over one of the men, onto his back as a spider bit at his leg then Areli launched from his back, plummeting the guy's face into the stoned steps. She jumped from him, over to another big man who had been on the ground because a spider bit his foot. Areli just looked at him & then back at Hira, who was fighting tremendously well against 3 men on the lower part of the steps.

After about two minutes, Hira & Areli had all of the men down.


One of the men tried to quickly say, "We were ordered to attac-"

Then his head fell straight down to the concrete.

Areli touched his head. She could tell something was not right about all of that.

"His brain shut down... Someone is behind all of this. Someone... is after us. They would not just turn on me. They're not that dumb," Areli said.

Areli began to walk back up to her home. "No, Areli. We need to leave from here. Now I know.. We are not safe here. We will only be safe in America," Hira tried.

Areli turned around slowly, & then let Hira know. "We are safe nowhere." She turned back toward her house & began to walk up the steps.

Hira had to say it, now. "Mr. Lo died, Areli. I think.. he died."

Areli turned around faster than she ever had before. "What did you just say?!"

"I think he died, Areli!!!" Hira told Areli everything that had happened that day.

"And that's why I came to find you," she ended it with. "I need to know if this is true. I have to find Frankie."

Areli clearly wanted to cry. Her strong stature was close to diminishing. Hira could tell. Areli's face became so stern, even for her. This was an all new stern.

"I... I... I cannot.. belie--.. Frankie lives in the Everland Apartments, in Atlanta," Areli let out.

"Okay. Thank you. I will be back to check on you," Hira told Areli. Her orange & black mists began to circle around her beautifully.

"You will not come back here to check on me," Areli said.

Hira sighed. "PLEASE don't do this Areli."

"Because I am coming with you," Areli informed Hira.

Hira nodded, & reached for Areli's hand. Areli took her hand. The energy swirled around them. They teleported to Atlanta, Georgia, to pay a visit to Frankie Lo.

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