Louis sick- directioner09131993

Start from the beginning

I must've dozed off at some point because next thing I know I'm waking up to the driest mouth I've ever had and a tickle at the back of my throat that made me splutter.  I blindly reached for the glass of water on my bedside table and desperately drained every drip of it. 

I slowly became aware of the stuffiness in my nose and the pounding in my head as I fully woke up and put the glass back down now that it was empty. 

I coughed a few times and groaned, I did guess that I might've been coming down with something but that didn't  mean I was happy with it. I felt gross.

According to my phone it was just past nine and raining outside. I also had a video message of Harry laughing like a serial killer from Liam.
I needed more pain killers.

I got out of bed and sniffed miserably as I headed to the en suite where the nearest stash of medication was.  I coughed again, more forcefully this time and groaned at the flutter of pain through my chest.The cold and flu medication was frustratingly difficult to open it kind of made me want to cry. 

 I caught a glimpse of my picture in the reflection and swore angrily under my breath. I felt like shit, I needed someway to feel good about myself but apparently my appearance wasn't playing along. I looked awful, far worse than I expected. Almost zombie-like. There was a deep flush on my cheeks and my eyes looked bloodshot and sore. I needed to shave, but I honestly couldn't be fucked. My nose was pink and I stared into my drowsy eyes for a few seconds before grabbing the thermometer from the shelf.

It was a sad life, having to take your own temperature.

I realised after I saw the numbers that I had no clue what the hell they meant and deemed the stupid thermometer useless. It needed to come with some sort of manual so that dumb-asses like myself could actually understand the thing. 

Oh god, my chest hurt.

I spat into the sink and back out into my bedroom.

At first I was planning on going out to the kitchen for something to eat but the bed looked so inviting so I just decided to make a quick stop there and grab another few minutes shut eye. 

Lying down just made the coughing worse, and more painful so I ended up spending the next two hours hacking into pillows, my whole body jolting. 

My head just kept thumping.  I couldn't make myself stand back up again though, the bed was warm and comfortable, despite everything. I couldn't even bring myself to be pissed with the situation, I just wanted to lay there.

My phone was singing away next to me, making sounds every few minutes and for some reason I couldn't make sense of it. I knew it was my phone, but why would my phone do that? What was I supposed to do about it?

Honestly I just wanted it to shut up because it was hurting my head.

My stomach lurched and I let out a sound that was half gasp and half gag as I jolted upright. I coughed and threw up over the edge of the bed, my throat burning and my stomach twisting. The mess landed on the pair of jeans I had lazily thrown on the floor last night and somewhere inside my dizzy head I praised myself for not ruining the carpet.

What a fantastic day it was turning out to be.


Liam's POV:

"I feel like an apple, do you have any?"
"On the bench," I replied with a slight eyebrow raise as I frowned at my phone.

"Thanks, want one? Haz?"

Harry shook his head, "I'm good"


I refreshed the messenger page in case Louis finally decided to message me back.

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