1 - Felix

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Sitting in the passenger seat of my sister's car, I watched two rain drops sliding down the window.
Left come on, you can do this. I think, willing the rain drop on the left to go faster than the one on the right. The right raindrop won, and I let out a sigh.
"What's on your mind?" My sister asked me, full of concern.
"It's stupid," I say. I can tell my sister still wants to hear it. "The left raindrop lost."
My sister had a look of pure confusion on her face as she took a right turn.
"What?" She asked.
"Don't worry about it."
My sister took a few more turns before finally pulling into the driveway.
"It's nice to be back in Gothenburg," I say with a smile. My parents rush outside, they heard the car. With big smiles on their faces, their arms envelop me.
"Mom! Dad!" I laugh. "I can't breathe!"
"We missed you," My father says with a smile.
"We're glad you're home," My mom murmured in my ear.
"Guys, come on! It's raining!" My sister called.
"Just a minute, Fanny!" I call.
We all walk inside and I am shocked by who I see is here.
"Ken?" I ask.
"Hey, Felix!" He calls and wraps me in a massive bear hug. "Your parents invited me over."
I smile at them.
"I forgot to say thank you! Thank you Mr and Mrs Kjellberg." Ken says sincerely.
"Call us Johanna and Ulf," My mum smiles, saying their first names to Ken. Ken grins.
"Can you please get Ken to call me by my nickname?" My sister asked.
"No way, Fanny," I burst out laughing. She pulls a face.
"Come on, let's go up to my room!" I yell.
Ken and I run as fast as we can up the stairs into my room. I faintly heard my father say, "Boys will be boys."


"I need to pee," Ken says, getting up to go use the toilet.
"Pee outside the window," I reply.
"What?" He asks.
"My parents will tell us to stop playing video games and go outside. But if we stay in here, they'll sort of forget about us," I reply. Ken nods, and pees out the window.
I check the time. 1:00 in the afternoon.
"Can I see the sights of Sweden?" Ken asks.
"Do you really want to?" I ask, indicating the huge amount of games that we hadn't yet played.
"Well, I might not get the chance to come here to Sweden again. It'll be fun!" Ken says.


"This is not fun," Ken muttered.
"I told you. There's really not a lot to do in Sweden; you've got a swanky hotel with a pool up on like the 15th floor that goes out the side of the building and you can see through the bottom because it's made of glass, and the fairground directly opposite. But that's about all." I say to Ken.
"Why can't we go there?"
"We can."
"You idiot, why don't we go there now?"


"Wow, Felix. I should just not go someplace or do something if you say 'fine'. That's twice now that something's been horrible."

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