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That is Alyssa and a song
Sunday 24, 2016

"Get your slutty ass up before I make you." That was the oh so sweet voice of my a darling brother ( note the sarcasm.) I better hurry before I get another beating you may be wondering why dose your brother beat you? Scaracth that why dose my whole pack beat me? Well they blame me that twin my brother died I rember the exact date.

September 23, 2001

We were both 4 years old I know what your about to say ("why would parents let there kids out side by there selves when there only 4 well we are werewolves so we developed quicker at least Bruno used be to a living werewolf . Oh ya I forgot to say that I was a werewolf oh well back to the story. ) We were running around outside until we came to a clearing. Out of now were we heard a twig snap we both turn around only to come face with a rabbit. So we kept playing then we here this low but vicious growl only this time we turn around slowly both hoping it was a rabbit well our hopes did not come true. it was a rouge it stalked towards us the reason why we didn't run because we were in shock until the rouge lunged at me. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact but in never came before I cloud open my eyes I heard this ear bleeding scream.
I snap my eyes open only to see my lifeless twin on grass blood every were out of know were I felt this horrible pain all over my body. Then I rembered my parents saying "Since Bruno and I are twins we could feel the parting of one another and the feel some of the feelings the other is feeling." (Back to me. ) since I felt the pain I let out a painful and loud howl since my parents must of felt my distress they came out of the woods to only see me over my brother's lifeless body. Sadness and anger covered my mom's wolf's face and then she shifted not even caring about her bare body. She came over and screamed loudly "NOT MY BABY" then my father came over and hugged my mom with sorrow in his eyes. When looking at my mother but when he looked at me and said the words that hurt so badly. He looked at me with disgust and anger and said "this is all you fault it should of been you ." then I felt a stinging pain in my cheek only to see my father with his hand raised and my mother smirked . Say these exact words "do it again." That is the day darling brother died and my parents raised a hand to me.

Flash back over......

(Back to this morning)

I got up and went to the bathroom to do my businesses got in the shower and as usual the water was ice cold but I needed to hurry before I get another beating so I did the usual and got out once I got out I looked for my blade once I found it  I cut for my brother, wolf (Angel) and the bullying.   I  washed my wrist  watching the red of my blood mix with the water and down the drain it goes I say to my self.
I through on a worn out jean jacket and white shirt and a black scarf

, worn out sweat pants, and worn out converse. I put my long blonde hair in a messy bun through my hood on and walked up stairs just to be greeted with a kick and punch in the gut I just bent over and grunted. I was about pick my self up but half way there I heard a horrible scratchy and screechy voice say "Slut you are late with my breakfast" " Sorry Luna Rebbeca I will get started right away."As I was walking to the kitchen my wolf said " like that slut be luna please she can't keep her legs closed for 2 seconds what makes you think she can be committed till she passes it down impossible." I snickered a little before cooking for the pack oh ya forgot to min chine I am also the punching bag and slave yay ( note my sarcasm.)


Hi guys I am author if you are confused on anything put it in the comments I will be sure to check it out sorry so short I am doing this on my phone sooo ya if you guys didn't understand she had two brothers so that is if you didn't under stand what I meant by brother in the beginning.

Good night my YOMIES and 🐺's

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