Unsettling Returns

Beginne am Anfang

Of all the days to be celebrated, this was the one that would draw the most attention. This one, would be the day of days to remember, this day, was the day their daughters were born. Not two, as had beenf oretold, but three; an added blessing in disguise.
It was a joyous day for those who had called this verse their home, reigning from their thrones a midst the stars, for now their line could continue in its purest form. Children a plenty, but none like these three, born of light and darkness, they would rise and bring balance to all around them. They were the children of the Gods themselves, destined to rule in their stead, and from the moment of their birth, their paths had been laid out for them; their hopes, their dreams, and their loves.
The first was born with hair like her mother, flashes of white mixed with the sweet tinges of blood red; and eyes the color of emeralds. They called her Madrina, and though she did not know it, the Angel, Nissa, was meant to be hers. She was destined to be a leader, to maintain the order a midst the chaos, and hold a firm hand of justice over all.
The second was born with blood red hair, though the will of her father ran through her veins, as too did his dark, black streaks that seemed to shimmer in her eyes. She had the will and ways to walk that fine line between light and dark,the perfect combination of her mother and father, and to her, they would give a male with sky blue eyes, long dark hair, and a wicked hunger that only she could ease. They called her, Zahara, and she would hold the three of them together.
The third to be born beneath the darkened skies of old, with bone white patches, nestled amidst a dark mass of locks, and amethyst colored eyes, just like her fathers... But that was not all she had inherited from the Lord of Darkness. His blood ran thickest through her veins, his need for battle captivating her own senses, honing them, almost teasing them.
She was the darkest of the three, the one they said would hunt in the shadows, and bring forth the monsters to the light. She was just like him, and she would suffer just the same; a love lost, and then renewed in the eyes and the heart of another, and a passion so fierce, it could crumble the mountains and enrage the seas. Such a force needed one of its own to contain the wrath that spun wild inside her mind; not just one, but perhaps two, for a child as dark as Euphamia...
Euphamia, the purples eyes.... Mia!

"Euphamia!" She shouted as she shot up in the bed. "Fuck!" She added, feeling the waves crash about in her head.
"Whoa now! Easy there, Vina!" His voice sounded so distant, and yet, when she opened her eyes, he was right there in front of her.
"Lync?" She gasped, as if suddenly emerging from the deep.
"Breathe, Vina! Breath, Baby!" He cooed into her ear.
"Where am I?" She choked out again, and felt his fingers running through her hair, holding her close as his lips touched her forehead."Lync?"
"On the ship, Vina! It's okay, you're on the ship!"
"No, it's not okay! I don't think we're going to be fine, at all!" She let out, her eyes darting about the room. "Where is the female? Where is Euphamia?"
"Who?" He replied, looking just as confused as she felt.
Another image flashed past her eyes, the need for answers, growing within her. It was the female again, though she was not hurt, and she was speaking with...
"Where, is Kion?" She blurted out as she rose from the bed,fighting against Lync for the freedom to move about.
"Just relax!" He told her, "Calm down, and take a few breaths, maybe, tell me who the hell Euphamia is?"
"The doctor!" She spat out, still struggling against him. "The one you said wasn't real!"
"She wasn't real! Honest, Vina! No one knew of her, there were no records that she had even been there..."
"She was here, Lync! In this room, just before the world went black! And she was injured, a male by her side..."
"You took off! You wouldn't stop, and by the time I got to your room, and turned the lights on..." Lync was so worried, she could see it in his eyes.
"The lights were off?"
But they had been on when she entered the room...
Again the image of the female and Kion, flashed before her eyes. "He's hiding something, Lync! He knows way more..."
Voices? She could hear, voices? But where were they coming from?
"Who else is here?" She shouted out, "Let me go, Lync! I'm fine!"
"I just peeled you off the floor less than twenty minutes ago..."
"She was here!"
"Who was here?" He asked again, biting his lip as he fought the urge to yell.
Lync, did not do well with anger; especially, when Navina was involved. Anyone else, and he would have snapped by now, but not her. She was his mate, his everything, and he was hers; and the fact that he was not only angry, but worried too...
"I need to see Kion!" She told him again. "I seen him with her!"
"For the love of the Gods, Vina, who?"
"The doctor?"
"Fuck me!"
"So, not the time, my love!" She sighed, "Though there is nothing I would rather do, more than rip your clothes off right now, but I'm afraid if you don't let me go, I might rip your face off too!"
Okay, so she had hit top notch on the Bitch-O-Meter!
"We have to find Kember, and that bastard knows more than he's telling us!" Navina eyed him, "For all we know, he could have sent her out there..."
"Then why is he mounting a rescue mission?" Lync glared back at her, letting go of her arms, one by one. "Go! See for yourself!"
Shit! She had seen that look before, and the sound in his voice, she had won. She hated it when she won, for that meant he had given up the fight. She never would have won on her own,he was faster, stronger, more focused than she was...
Dammit! The guilt was already welling inside of her, until the next image hit.
"I have to go!" She told Lync, closing her eyes tight. "This is more than just a vision, I feel as if I actually have to be there; like before!"
"But you haven't... Not in years!"
He was right, it had been a good ten years since last she'd felt the pull, so why now? What had changed? Had the Order revoked their ruling? Was she to be given back, all, of her abilities?
"I have to go, and I would prefer you beside me!"She looked up at him, "I have to know, Lync!"
He stood back, closed his eyes and held his arm out, pointing the way to the door. "As you wish!" He replied, and waited for her to get off of the bed.
She hurried to find some clothes, and donning a pair of black leggings, and a tank top she'd found in the closet... she was hit with another vision as the cloth slipped over her chest.

Skin tight pants, and a trench coat that fell to her ankles,with wicked buckled boots, and a hidden stash of blades, the female named Euphamia, stood before him, ready for battle.
'You have no idea what we shall face this night, my love!' She spoke to him,her amethyst colored eyes gazing into his, and those tribal markings on his neck lit up.
'Then we shall face the wrath of chaos together, and show the worlds what it means to dance with the darkness!'

Legends - A Devil's Daughters Crossover - Book One (Published)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt