Chapter 1

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Get up. Just one more year of this hell, and you’ll be out of here. Get out of bed Angel.

I groaned at my inner voice telling me to wake up. I opened my eyes, and saw my ceiling. I wish i could stay like this forever.

But as we all know, we must move sometime. 

I turned my head to look at my old white clock, and saw that it was 6:52. I got out of bed, and went to the bathroom to straighten my hair. 

My hair is horrible. It’s frizzy, tangly, curly, and is near impossible to manage. I stepped into my bathroom, and saw those familiar white tiles with gray in the outer edges. I did’t want to look in the mirror. Not today at least.

I took deep breaths and lifted my head and stared straight into the eyes of my worst nightmare. Me...

When I examined myself in the mirror, I saw horrible light brown frizzy hair. I hate my hair. Then i saw light hazel eyes that look like a puddle of throw up. I hate my eyes. Then a small nose. I hate my nose. I saw big chapped lips. I hate my lips. I then went down, and saw my body. God, I hate my body. 

Weighing 178 pounds and being five foot seven, wasn’t the best body shape. It was so hard trying to find clothes that i thought looked good on me. 

But enough of myself pity.

I finished straightening my hair, and went off to school.

When I entered the school’s main entrance, I immediately saw Brittany, my best friend. She was leaning up against a wall talking to Justin Mille. He tucked a loose strand of straight black hair behind her ear. She was gorgeous.

Brittany had long  jet black hair, bright green eyes that could light up a room. Her nose was pointy, but fit her face perfectly. Her lips were big and were naturally red. She had a slim, but curvy figure. To say the least, she was absolutely stunning. 

We met in 5th grade, and i was always shy near her, because i felt so intimidated by her. Cliché, I know.

 She invited me to a sleepover one night, and we’ve been inseparable since. I honestly don’t know where I would be without her. She’s the greatest friend a girl could ask for.

But enough with this gushy crap.

I walked awkwardly up to them trying not to trip seeing as how clumsy I am.

“Hey Angel, this is Justin” Brittany inquired.

I looked over at him, and gave him a small smile.

He stretched his hand out to me, and gave me a heart warming smile.

I steadily reached my hand out to his, and shook it loosely.

“Well, um, I have to go to class,” I stated awkwardly. I started walking away before they had time to say anything. 

I don’t like meeting people. I feel like they’re judging me.

God, I sound pathetic.

I started walking to class to my first period Band. I entered the band hall, and immediately felt relived. I loved these people. They’re my second family. I mean, I never actually talk to them, but I don’t feel awkward with my fellow band geeks. 

I’m first chair tuba. Then there’s Jessie, also known as Pita(Pain.In.The.Ass), second chair. Third chair is Jessie William, also known as J.W. Then there’s Garrett, also known as Twitch. He’s hilarious, and I always laugh quietly at his jokes. Then last but not least, Chris, also known as Bobo. They make up my tuba section. 

But theres others in band, like both the drum majors are Jenny, and Dessie. Dessie is first chair trombone, and Stayton is second chair. He’s extremely handsome, but is high or on drugs every weekend. Brittany told me, that the only reason that Jenny got head drum major, because she can’t play her instrument.

And lastly, Mr. Jordan. He’s our Band Director, and also my hero. He’s amazing.

I stayed in Band for the rest of the period, and grudged on to me second period English. 

By the time it was lunch, I sat down at my lunch table with Brittany. 

I didn’t even sit down before she practically started screaming at me.

“Did you hear about the new kid? He. Is. Gorgeous!” she exclaimed. 

“Erm, no? I don’t pay attention to gossip,” I muttered. She sighed, and said “I know, but anyways he is gorgeous, I mean I thought people were over-reacting when they said that his face was carved by angels, but damn! When I saw him, I swear my eyes had an orgasm!” she screamed and giggled at the same time.

“Good to know,” I retorted sarcastically. 

She gave me a blank look. “Seriously Angel, you need to get a boyfriend. Your gorgeous,” she said. “No I’m not. Don’t lie to me just to make me feel better,” I snapped. 

“I’m not lying. Your drop dead gorgeous. I would die to have natural curly hair like yours. You have gorgeous brown eyes, your lips, god! I’m so jealous of your lips, they’re so big and plump!” She exasperated. 

“Well what about my body? You can’t give any compliments about that. It doesn’t matter how beautiful you think I am, no one else does. Your the only one.” I shyly admitted.

“Well, we’ll have to change that. Hey, maybe the new guy can be your prince charming!” she said excitedly. I snorted. 

“Don’t hold your breath, Brittany”


First chapter, done. It’s not much, but it’s a start. I’ll write better on the other chapters. 

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