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Have you ever looked in the mirror and not liked what you see? That no matter how much makeup you put on, how you style your hair, you don’t feel up to par. When I wake up in the morning, I see this fat, ugly girl, who just wants to be loved. But doesn’t deserve it. You feel like every waking moment is the next chapter of your living nightmare. But everyday, you wake up, and you look at your reflection, just hoping someday it’ll change. 

Have you ever took a blade to your wrist? Have you ever seen the blood cascade down your arm and your thighs like a canvas? Have you wanted nothing more in that moment to cut as deep as you can, so you can feel physical pain instead of emotional?

Have you ever wished, with all your might, that you were someone else?

I have. Every fucking day of my life.

Well, I don’t think I’ve introduced myself.

Hi, my name is Angel Lucile.


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