Little Notes

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Judy had just dropped off her children at daycare. It had been one loooooooong morning.

Nick had to go in early so he wasn't there to help her. Judy walked up to her car and dug around her purse for keys.

"Come on.." she mumbled.

She looked up and groaned. Where were they? She banged her head on the window and gasped. There they were, inside her car on the drivers seat. Judy sucked air in through her teeth. She looked at her watch. 9:43 am. She didn't have to be in the office until 11:00.

Judy had a spare key to her car at her house. She decided to walk to main street and catch a cab.

"Ok." she said aloud. "If I hurry, I can be back with a half hour to spare." and with that she took off running.

Once she reached Main street, she began looking for a cab. Her eyes scanned the streets and landed on one driving towards her.

"Taxi!" she yelled.

The cab did stop, but not before racing through a huge puddle and soaking Judy in muddy water.

"Great." She thought. "Now I'm gonna have to take another shower.'

The cab driver rolled down the window. "Sorry lady. Hop in." he said

Judy didn't even try to contain her eye roll.

She gave him her address. "Step on it!" she yelled.

15 minutes later, she was home. She ran straight to the front door before realizing her house key was in her car as well. She sunk to the ground before remembering her hidey key. She lifted up a special rock and found it. She unlocked her house and ran to her bath room.

By the time she was done getting ready it was 10:21. She ran out of the house and went to the garage to get her bike. It would be faster than a cab anyway. She was about to take off when... she realized her spare key was in the locked house.

Judy was getting more and more frusturated. She had to break the screen on one of her windows to get in. Once she had grabbed her keys and was on her way to the daycare, it was almost 10:30.

She biked up there in record time. As soon as she reached the day care she jumped off the bike and ran to her car. She was about to put the key in but stopped. She had brought the wrong key. She tried opening the door anyway and it actually opened. She took a step back. It was never locked.

Judy put her bike in the back seat and got in. As soon as the door closed she screamed and banged her head on the steering wheel causing a note to fly down.

She picked it up and read it.

Dear Carrots,

Hope you have and amazing day! Thanks for dropping of the kids!

I love you!


Judy smiled. After all she had been through, this had made her day 1000 times better!

Nick Wilde x Judy HoppsWhere stories live. Discover now