"It's not funny Mya." Cassie poured rubbing blue's stomach.

Her phone buzzed next to her but she refused to answer. It wasn't anybody, but Micah promising to fuck her up.

"I'm sorry friend." Mya said trying to catch her breath. "Yo boy with the shits. You better stop playing with him. This ain't Peyton you playing with."

Hearing Pey's name made Cassie's stomach turn. They still had no clue where he was or what happened to him.

"I know I'm not suppose to care but I do." Cassie said in reference to Peyton.

Sighing Mya twisted her lips to the side. "You're entitled to feel that way it's normal. I'd be worried if you didn't. Who said you couldn't?"

"Micah." Cassie sighed. "He didn't say I couldn't but more so said I shouldn't with everything. I see his point but at the end of the day he's still a person you know?" Cassie shrugged ignoring yet another one of Micah's calls.

"Well I damn sure wasn't team Peyton but I get where you're coming from."

Nodding her head Cassie stayed quiet while playing with her fingers.

"Cassie you ever think that Micah knows what happened to Peyton or where he might be?" Mya asked causing Cassie to frown.

"He's a lot of things Mya but he'd never." Cassie defended.

Lifting her hands in surrender Mya bit her lip. "I'm not accusing just asking with all this police talk and rumors. But you're right it was silly of me to ask."

Cassie's phone rang again and she finally answered it.

"What Micah?!" Cassie said into the phone with much hostility.

"Aye lower yo fucking tone Cassie. You really been playing with me for too long. The fuck you at?"

"In my skin." Cassie answered sarcastically.

"Oh you a comedian now? Alright we gone see. Where you at?" Micah questioned again growing annoyed.

"Minding my business Micah damn. Go call Ashley."

"If I wanted to call the bitch I wouldn't be calling yo ass. Man stop fucking playing with me. You pissing me off." 

"You called me. Bye." Cassie said hanging up the phone and groaning.

Mya sat Indian style on the bed laughing quietly.

"Shut up Mya." Cassie threatened rolling her eyes.

Before Mya could speak her phone rang causing her to reach over and grab it before answering.

"House of beauty this is cutie." She said into the phone.

"Cassie over there?" Micah questioned from the other line causing Mya's eyes to get big as Cassie looked at her skeptically.

"What's wrong?" Cassie mouthed.

Placing the phone on speaker Mya continued to talk.

"Uhh no she's at home I thought." Mya said causing Micah to suck his teeth as Cassie motioned for her not to tell him anything.

"So birds of a feather lie together huh?" Micah questioned chuckling.

"Micah she not here I don't know-" as she was going further into her lie blue started barking after recognizing Micah's voice which caused Cassie to raise up and hung up the phone.

Looking at each other the two looked spooked.

"You think he gone come over here?" Mya questioned.

Biting her lip Cassie looked out the blinds seeing Micah's car parked along the curb with him leaned against.

Hurriedly closing the blinds Cassie cursed under her breath before looking down at her phone that buzzed with a text message.

Micah😻🙊: Bring me my damn dog

"What's the matter?" Mya asked.

"He's outside." Cassie mumbled.


Short I know 🙄 y'all will live

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