In Practice...

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Worst sat hunched over his notes, fuming, why wouldn't it work!!??, he had calculated everything, literally EVERYTHING had been accounted for.
Yet it still repeatedly failed, test after test, performed whenever the all-seeing eye looked away.
It was almost like fate was thwarting him, but Worst knew determination, he was determined to succeed.
He would not fail, he would free himself from the marionette strings of another...

So he worked on, night turned into day, and then back into night...  The day became a week of work, and then a month, god, Worst was obsessed with making this work...
One day, he was running the tests however...
Something was off on the readings...
Like a variable that the computers of his very plane of existence couldn't compensate for...
Worst stared wide eyed, he only had seconds for the bridge to stay open, he was finally going to do it, he reached his hand up, into complete nonexistence.
His grin could not have been more pronounced as he yanked down, pulling a human girl out of nowhere, through the air.

She kinda fell hard onto the floor with a cry of "MOTHERCUNT!" Jumping to her feet and running to the door.
She turned to Worst, evident fury in her eyes, but also a mix of fear as she remembered how fucking OP Worst was.


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