#2 Wolves and Brother

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(Just imagine the eye are a gold orange)

---Adel's POV---

---Age 2---

-Dream world-

I was a wolf and I was running, running where or from I don't know I was just running. Running as fast as my legs can carry me, the trees wised past me as I burst through the trees a clearing with golden dirt, the salt in the air and water that stretches as far as I can see.

I run to investigate what the mass of water is but as I run it just got further away, as I was just about to touch the damp golden dirt my eyes opened and I was staring at the old wooden roof of my room.

I look around and saw that everything looked bigger than it did when I went to bed the previous night. I get up only to fall of the bed onto the floor and I let out a yelp when the impact stuck, 'What was that?' I thought, I rolled over and pushed myself up with my hands only to find that they weren't hand but little paws. Fluffy paws of a wolf pup.

I quickly got up and ran and stumbles to my parents room, I jumped up onto the bed with a few failed attempts till I go it and I jumped on my mother and father, rolled around on the bed and jabbing them with my small paws. I heard them grown and shift, I gave a small baby howl at them and dragged the blankets off of them.

My dad sat up groaning rubbing his eyes then looks at me blankly I got into a pouncing position looking at him with my tongue out of my mouth and tail wagging. My mother soon gets up and looks at me as well and I look at her back, when she realises that it was me her face light up and squeals picking me up and hugging me tightly.

"Oh, honey I'm so proud of you, you finally turned into a wolf." She says excitedly "What was your dream about?" she asked

I mind link her and dad and showed them what the dream was about.

"Hmm... I think that was the ocean" My father mused. I tilt my head in question, my father smiles knowing what it meant "The ocean is a huge mass of salty water that go on for miles on end, it has creatures that live in it that I have read in books and the yellow dirt is called sand" My father explained, my father continued to explain all what he knew of the place called the ocean and what might live within while my mother went to go and make breakfast.

---Age 5---

I was sitting on the couch reading a book my mother has about the guardians when my mother came in with a serious look on her face, I looked at her curiously as she kneeled in front of me .

"Honey I think it is time that you learn with the wolves" She said

"Wolves?" I asked

"Yes, wolves, they live outside the walls and I think it is time that you go and learn from a pack for a while" She said

"How long is a while?" I ask

"A couple of moons (months)" she said

"What will I learn from them mom?" I ask

"You will learn what it means to be a wolf and you need to learn this as the guardian of wolves" my mother explains

I look at the ground as I think about what she said, "What will I be tacking?" I asked

"You won't be tacking anything, you already know how to gather fruit, veg, meat and herbs and you will most likely find new things out there. But you will be tacking this" She said tacking a necklace off from around her neck and placing it around mine and takes a bone knife from her hip.

The necklace has a golden gem and as it was placed around my neck it started to change to a green gem with gold veins and specks within it, it also has little animal charms dangling from the platted leather sting.

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