Chapter Eleven

En başından başla

"I told you to stop—"

The chain around my wrists nearly yanks my shoulders out of their sockets as I go flying forward with a violent jerk. I hear shouting and bodies and golden feathers completely block my view. Tears fill my eyes when I am shoved onto my side again, smacking my face against the grated metal floor.

I feel bile rise in my throat as my weight shifts and it feels like everything is suddenly spinning. The bodies of the guards go flying around the vehicle, booted feet stepping on me and the edges of swords slicing across my skin.

Everything stops with a vicious jerk. A cry escapes my lips when the chains cut into my skin again.

A heavy weight falls on top of me and I let out a groan, my head throbbing and every part of my body aching. Tears slip down my cheeks and I can't hold back my sobs of pain.

I squeeze my eyes shut, breathing deeply through gritted teeth. I can feel my head going numb from the overwhelming scent of blood and the harsh screams surrounding me. 

There's an echoing bang and I crane my neck to see but I can't move my head. A loud crash and the screech of metal-on-metal follow, making me cringe.

The weight on my legs lessens and I gasp. The sharp, stabbing pain in my leg tells me something is probably broken.

A handsome dark-haired man stands over me, his icy blue gaze quickly flicking over my body. "Are you alright?" He asks.

"Yeah, I think I'd be better without this collar though," I mutter.

The man chuckles a little. "Lucky for you I found the key in the driver's pocket," he tells me with a smirk, wiggling the keychain in front of his face.

He deftly unlocks the collar and the handcuffs before putting one arm under my back and the other under my legs. He carefully lifts me and carries me out of a massive hole torn out of the side of the truck. He sets me down onto the ground where I immediately collapse onto grass.

My head pounds and I feel like a punching bag; I can hardly move. I glance behind me with wide eyes.

The vehicle is completely wrecked. It's barely staying upright, the sides are crushed, and windows shattered. There is even smoke coming from the front and I can hear a faint screech mingled with the hum of the engine. The guards inside all look to be dead, their wings broken and their faces bashed in.

"Are any of them alive?" I ask the man.

He turns and I notice the large group of people beside the car. "Any survivors?" He asks and they shake their heads.

"No sir," one says.

"Good. Keep an eye out, they'll be sending more," he warns.

They nod then move just inside the tree line of the forest. That's when I notice the weapons they carry on their backs or around their hips: everything from a tiny dagger to a massive crossbow.

"Can you walk?"

I look down at my leg then back up with a sheepish smile. "I don't think so," I admit, my cheeks warming.

He nods, carefully lifting me into his arms again. "I'm Lila by the way," he says as he carries me towards the forest.

My eyes go wide. "Lila?"

He smiles. "Yeah."

"But you—" I stop, blinking hard and shaking my head. "I'm sorry I don't understand."

He laughs. "My parents named me Lilanaus but it's a pain to pronounce and I honestly prefer Lila," he explains.

"No offense to your parents but Lila does sound better," I mumble.

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