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Celeste's pov:
I ABSOLUTELY HATE SCHOOL SO MUCH!!!!! Ugh I have so much work to do and I'm sooooo stressed!! Things have been so weird lately Kat is still acting weird and spacing out ALL THE TIME it's kinda freaky. Anyways back to fucking hw, I wish math was just simple again like 2+2 but no we absolutely need to learn all this stuff I'll NEVER use. I decide to call Kat after a while of being bored and just staring at my homework.
On the phone
Cel:hey Kat whatcha doin??
Kat: usual boring shiz
Cel: wanna come over??? Plz say yes I'm dying with all of this hw
Kat: only if u promise to get me ice cream and pizza
Kat: getting in my car now
Call ends
I grab my phone and order a pepperoni pizza, half of it with bacon because YUM!!! I sit back down and wait for Kat.

Kats pov:
I think Celeste can tell I've been spacing out more lately, I really need to stop but my wolf has been so annoying lately she's been so hyper. I have no idea why she's acting like this but it needs to stop Celeste CANT know the truth it would kill her. Out of nowhere she calls me. ( you most likely don't wanna read the whole conversation again so I won't add it) I decide to go over and since I need to think I'm gonna run. I run all the way over to Celeste's house and walk in. YA THATS RIGHT I BASICALLY LIVE HERE TOO I DON'T KNOCK!!!

Celeste's pov:
Kat walks in and I just stare at her
Cel:what took you so long?
Kat: *shocked* you thought I took long I literally got here in like 5 mins
Cel: *laughs* OMG your face
Kat: I know you were joking. I'm the fastest
Cel: oh shut up NOW LETS EAT
Kat: don't gotta tell me twice

We both sit down and start to eat our
pizza while watching American horror story YAY!! Once we finish we decide to go outside and jump on my trampoline.
Cel:Hey Kat do you wanna come spend the night soon it's so lonely over here
Kat: Sure just tell me when and then we'll have a sleepover k?
Cel: Thank goodness I've been going crazy being here all alone
Kat: Oh I know your insane
Cel: I'm not that bad
Kat: Not that bad???!!! Girl one time you called me asking me if I was a leprechaun and if I would give you my gold
Cel: It's called being weird Kat if you can't appreciate my weirdness then you'll be bored when we talk
Kat: True

Authors note
Sorry it took me forever to update I've just had a lot of stuff lately but Ima try to remember to update more. And if you have any feedback negative or positive if it will help me make my book better just tell me.

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