Chapter 8: Three Weeks

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"You ready?" Carmen looked to me. I couldn't hold back anymore, and I refused to. I had fought with my demons too long, and now it was time to face it. I hurt Andrew, and I had to recognize that, because of my actions, we both suffered when I was the only one that should've been sentenced to unhappiness.

"It's now or never," I sighed, and climbed out of my car, fixing my dress before Carmen and I strutted inside.

I passed by the glares of everyone, brushing them off. Like I said, I had one person to see, and one only, and my heart pounded with each step. I stood outside of my office door, taking deep breaths. All I had I to do was tell him what I felt, and only hoped that he still felt the same way. But then, I heard giggling from the inside, and all my insecurities returned.

"If you don't mind me asking, are you single?" I heard a female voice, and waited to hear Andrew's response.

"Yes, but someone has my heart. I'm not really looking right now," I heard his voice that was like music to my ears. My heart warmed at his response, and I couldn't wait to feel his arms around my waist, and have his head buried in my neck, if he still wanted.

"Oh really? Well, she's a lucky girl," the woman said. My heart crumbled. There were many women that Andrew could have, and yet time and time again, he waited on me, and chased after me. Here I was, taking his love for granted, when other girls were desperate to have him.

"Yeah, I'm a lucky man. Thank you for bringing this to me though, I'll see you later," he sighed, and I heard the girl walking towards the door, so I moved over a little bit to where she couldn't see me. I finally took my last big breath, and walked in. At first his eyes stayed on the papers on his desk, and my heart fluttered just from the sight of him. "That's all, Tiffany. I don't have anything else," he continued to keep his eyes on his papers, and I just watched.

"Uhm, actually, I came to see you," I spoke up, a little above a whisper. His light eyes snapped up to mine as he slowly stood up. My smile quickly vanished when he started to look mad, so I avoided his gaze.

"Krystal? You're really here?" He whispered as he now stood in front of me, and rubbed his thumb over my cheek. No words could describe the amount of hurt I felt when I looked into his eyes. It hurt me to hurt him.

"Yes-" his arms pulled me into a hug, and like I said, he buried his face in my neck. I hugged him tightly around his neck, inhaling the scent, and savoring his touch. I didn't want to let go, but I knew I had some things to explain. "Drew, I need to tell you something," I mumbled and let go, immediately missing his touch. He grabbed my hand then led me to a couch, letting me sit before he took a seat, and wouldn't let it go.

"Why won't you let my hand go?" I giggled before I started.

"Because if I let it go, I don't know if you'll run away from me," he answered seriously.

"Yeah, about that... Uhm, that night, when you said you loved me, I really wanted to say it back. I tried so hard to reply to you, and yet nothing would come out. As soon as I left that restaurant, I knew that I love you too, and it hurt me to run from you like I did when I knew I felt the same way. I just didn't allow myself to tell you that I am so in love with you," I confessed.

"You love me?"

"I love the hell out of you, and I am completely in love with you," I nodded. He searched my face, as I did to him when he told me how he felt. "If you're looking for one, you're not gonna find one." Andrew chuckled briefly, before standing and beginning to pace.

"Why are you here?" He asked suddenly. I glared at him, I just told him I loved him, and he didn't know why I was here?

"Because I needed to tell you how I felt, and that I love you," I answered slowly. I was still suspicious of his actions and his questions.

A Little More (Spinoff of Wanted)  (BMWW)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu