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Ian Malcolm: "That'll be a first - man and dinosaur all die together."

Jurassic Park



"Why are people always trying to talk to you?" The boy said. Liana chuckled lightly.

"It's Aunt Claire," Zach muttered before picking up. "Hey Claire," he said, his voice filled with annoyance even though Claire had yet to even get a word out. As Zach listened to the phone, Liana kept steering the gyrosphere through the field aimlessly.

"I-I can't really hear you, we're in the hamster ball," he said to Claire. They were trapped in a glass pod, no wonder he couldn't hear her.

"Hello?" he said. Even Lia and Gray could hear nothing but static and Claire's chopped up sentences. "Hm," he mumbled, before pressing 'end call'.

"What did Aunt Claire want?" Gray asked.

"Dunno. Couldn't hear her. Probably wasn't important."

"Are you sure?" Lia had stopped the gyrosphere and looked seriously at Zach. Something seemed weird, between the ride closure and Claire calling Zach.

"Yes, it's fine. She probably just wanted to know when Gray and I wanted to meet her for dinner." Zach seemed calm, so Lia figured everything was fine. If something bad was happening, They would know. Everything was fine.

"Okay," Lia said. Though she still wasn't one-hundred percent convinced that nothing was wrong, the coast was clear. They were in a field with a bunch of herbivores. What was the worst that could happen?

"Hey, Lia, look," Zach said, pointing in front of them. Lia drove a few feet forward, and they reached a fence that looked like it had been broken open by a gyrosphere going too fast.

"What happened here?" Zach mused.

Liana moved them further to the fence, but didn't go past it. She would be lying if she said she wasn't weary about the dark jungle that lay behind the fence.

"Guys, off road," Zach said.

"You've got to be kidding me," Liana laughed. When Zach didn't laugh as well, her face dropped. "Oh, you're not kidding."

"But they told us to go back," Gray said shakily.

"I'm just worried that you're not getting the full Jurassic World experience," Zach told Gray. "Right Lia?" Lia looked in front of them. It just seemed like a bunch of trees. Nothing menacing.

"Right. Fine," she said, rolling her eyes softly. She remembered that she was at Jurassic World to have fun, after all. There was no harm in taking a detour. "I better not regret this," Liana said, moving the shift forwards and taking them past the fence.

The further they got into the jungle, the more uneasy Liana and Gray began to feel. Zach, on the other hand, seemed as calm as ever.

"No, no, bad idea, bad idea," Gray said.

"Great idea," Zach retorted.

Liana simply shook her head. "No, Gray's right. This was a bad idea."

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