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Dan and I were in the middle of an intense game of MarioKart when suddenly, out of nowhere comes Phil, screaming, "I WANT TO PLAY."

"PHIL SHUT UP!" Dan huffed.

"YEAH PHIL SHUSH I'M WINNING!" I screamed. Phil puts his hands up in surrender and walks out of the game room. Just then I crossed the finish line, landing first place for the fourth time.

"I thought I was the king of this game," Dan pouted. I giggled.

"Well I'm the queen, and as queen, I choose you as my king."

Dan smiled. "That was terribly cheesy. Where'd you get that, on a Valentine's Day card?"

"No I got it from my cheesy brain," I chuckle. He smiles and starts tickling me. I squeal and start kicking and punching the air. I lose control and hit him in the "no-no square." He yelps in pain and falls onto the floor, a small smile on his face. I'm uncontrollably laughing at this point, so I take it as an opportunity to post a picture on Twitter.

"@Y/T/N: we were playing MarioKart and he was tickling me... I accidentally kicked him...😂💖 *insert picture*"

"Please tell me you didn't just post that," Dan growls.

"Oh," I say starting to walk away. "But I did."

"YOU ARE IN FOR IT LIL' MISSY," he screams, getting up. I bolt out the door and stand behind a confused-looking Phil in his room.

"What the he-"


"Mmmm, nah I'm good."

"Ugh, you're the worst," he sighs in defeat, laughing.

"I know, but you love me," I say and wrap my arms around his torso.

"I do. So much," he whispered, lifting my chin so he could kiss me. I buried my face in his chest and breathed in his scent. He kissed the top of my head. What we didn't know was that Phil got our little moment in a picture and posted it to Twitter saying:

"@AmazingPhil: these two 💖 now go cuddle somewhere else, I need to film! *insert picture*"

Not even ten minutes later, #Y/Ship/N was trending on every social media website.

Gosh, I love my life.

Dan Howell ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz