Operation Prank the Boy Band

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Operation Prank the Boy Band

Fairytales are not always full of princess and princes. They don’t always have happy endings and they don’t always make sense. What makes up a fairy tale then? A simple line all starting with the words ‘Once upon a time’.

Once upon a time, there was a sweet, amazing, wonderful, funny, sassy, brilliant, char- you get the point, red headed 15 year old, that may or may not be me. Any who this amazing, talented red head was named Talia; she loved to prank people, along with her best friend Bella, or Boo Bear as she calls her.  

There was a slight problem though Bella lived in England, but Talia had a surprise. She was going to spend the whole summer in England, track down Bella and prank her. Just as any best friend would.

Once Talia arrived in England, she pulled out her phone and started to track Bella. After she located Boo Bear’s location she realized she had no clue where she was, what so ever. So Talia had only one choice left, to call Bella and explain her situation, but that meant Talia had to deal with not being able to prank Boo Bear.

After calling Bella and sitting on a bench, Talia was overcome with boredom. To get rid of this boredom Talia decided to climb a tree, but after she was half way up Talia realized she had a fear of heights.

After a little while, stuck in the tree, Talia spotted who she assumed was Bella, only because she was holding a sign that said ‘Talia’. Talia did the only thing she could do. Scream, very, very loudly.

Bella being the charming person she is started laughing as soon as she spotted Talia stuck in the tree.

“I’m stuck,” Talia called.

“You’re only about ten feet off the ground,” Bella exclaims threw laughter.

“I knew that,” Talia says waving it off and jumping out of the tree. Once she was ready and Bella stopped laughing they started walking towards the hotel Talia was staying in.

They made it all the way to the lobby before Talia face planted. “Save yourself, I’ll be fine.”  Talia says just after rolling up into a protective ball.

“Uh, Talia there’s nothing to save myself from,” Bella says before helping Talia up.

“I knew that,” Talia says waving it off, before walking up to the front desk to get her room key.

Once in the room Talia falls onto the bed while Bella sits in a chair. “You know what, I’m awfully disappointed. I was going to prank you, but now I can’t so you’re going to help me prank One Direction,” Talia says sleepily.

“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, Louis is the king of pranks,” Bella says nervously.

“Don’t worry peasant, I’m the queen of all pranks. He won’t find out it was us,” Talia says before falling asleep, leaving no room for argument. Bella let’s out a sigh and let’s herself out of the hotel room.

The next day, Talia trudges through the streets until she reached Bella’s house.

Ding Dong!

“Happy belated Birthday,” Talia exclaims as Bella opens the door.

“How do you know where I live, and how did you know I was going to open the door,” Bella says warily.

“I have my sources, and I didn’t I was going to hide in the bushes if it wasn’t you who answered the door,” Talia says.

“We don’t have any bushes,” Bella says cautiously. Talia just shrugs and waves it off, while walking inside and into Bella’s room. Which Bella found just a little bit creepy.

 As soon as Bella closes her bedroom door, Talia get’s down to business.

“Time to plan operation prank the boy band,” Talia says quietly.

“I have a bad feeling about this,” Bella says.

“Don’t worry Boo Bear, I get those a lot I just tend to ignore them,” Talia says.

  “That’s probably not a good thing,” Bella says.

“Any who I have the perfect prank to pull but we need to get someone from one direction to help us, well kind of,” Talia says evilly.

“Okay, you caught my attention. Now spill,” Bella says interested.

“Okay first we need to get someone from One Direction to let us into their flat then we set up the prank. Basically we’re going to paint the boys, so we’re going to need tons of washable paint. When the boys get to their flat, we will lock then in a room and trigger the paint that will temporarily stain their skin,” Talia says.

“Not bad but how will we get into their flat?”

“I was thinking about getting Perrie in on this. She lives with Zayn so she could invite us over for a ‘girl’s day’ and then we can set up the prank with her help before the boys get there.”

“Let’s do it!”

About a week later and after tons of begging, it was finally the day of the prank. Bella and Talia were on their way to Zayn and Perrie’s flat, for a ‘girl’s day’.

Upon arrival Bella and Talia emptied out their book bags, which were full of washable paint and started to set up. 

 They decided to pull the prank off in the guest room which was about to be painted, so it wouldn’t make a difference if the walls got dirty.

Little did Talia know that Bella had a trick up her sleeve, you see Bella wasn’t too happy that she found out Talia was going to prank her, so Bella decided to get payback.

Any who after all the triggers were set up the girls headed to the kitchen to wait until the boys got there. About five minutes later the boys walked through the door.

“Would you guys mind taking a look at the paint color we chose for the guest bedroom? Talia will lead the way,” Perrie says leaving no room for argument.

“Right this way,” Talia says leading the way to the guest bedroom. After all the boys walked into the room Talia was about to close the door when Bella shoved Talia into the room; slamming the door shut and locking it.

“Boo Bear, let me out don’t do this to me,” Talia yells pounding on the door.

“That’s what you get for trying to prank me.” Bella says right before triggering the paint and Talia becomes blue as a smurf.

“I’ll get my revenge Boo Bear, when you least expect it I’ll be there with a prank or two up my sleeve,” Talia yells through the door.

The End

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