Stranger Danger!

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Stranger: *Whips sweat off brow in exhaustion* whew! I thought for sure you wouldn't stop the water works! Sorry about earlier! I'm Barry! And I'm going to be the Pokémon champion of the Sinnoh league!

Lily: *Shyly looks at him* A-Ah I'm Lily! I'm going to become stronger than my Big bro!

Barry: *Smiles* oh ya? Well I'm sure you can do it lily!

Lily: *Smiles* thanks barry!

Barry: *waves hand* No prob Kiddo!

Elekid: bi! Bivi! [hey! we're not kids!]

Barry: *Laughs nervously* tough crowd...

Barry: *looks thoughtful* hm those are your Pokémon? An Elekid and Starly?

Lily: Yeah?

Elekid:*Looks agitated* Bibi? [what of it?]

Barry: *Waves hands* oh no! I didn't mean anything by it! You just remind me of someone!

Lily: *Looks confused* I do?

Barry: *Rests head in hand* ya but I just can't put a finger on it!

Then suddenly Paul appears with a stoically cold expression directed at Barry.

Paul: *Walks up* Lily!

Elekid: bi-bi! [Uh-Oh!]

Lily: *Turns quickly* Hi Big brother!

Barry: *Eyes widen in realization* Paul!

Paul:*Turns and looks at him* who?

Barry: *Pouts and whines childishly* Oh come on! It's me Barry!

Paul: *Notices Lily's dried tears* Little sis! What happened?!

Then Paul became eerily calm with a scary expression

Paul: *Looks calmly* Lily, who hurt you?

Paul immediately forgot about Barry and turned from stoic to a regular worried older sibling.

Elekid:*points at Barry* bibivi bi! [It was him Paul!]

Paul turned to the blonde haired boy and glowered at him with unconcealed hatred.

Paul: *Glares* oh he did did he?

Barry: *Starts to sweat comically* Uh-Oh...

Barry turned and started to run but Paul was already there to trip him and then kick him in the face.

Barry: *Flails around* ow!!! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Im sorry! I didn't mean to I swear!

Paul: Tch! You better not of!

Lily: *runs over* Big bro! Stop! I'm okay!

Paul: *sighs but stops* tch! Your lucky this time Barry!

Barry: *colapses with relief* oh thank God!

Lily: *Points at him* but you have to battle me!

Paul: Lily its rude to point...

Lily: oops sorry!

Barry: *Laughs nervously with a sweat drop* hehe it's okay

lily: *looks expectantly* So does that mean we can?

Barry: *Looks over at paul* I don't know...

Paul: *Raises eyebrow*

Barry: *Gets nervous* oh no never mind! Sure we can have a battle!

Lily: *Jumps up and down* Yay!

Elekid: Bibi! [This'll be fun!]

Paul just looked at the three before sighing, he'll just have to go to the gym later then...

Lily: *Stands up straight* lets go already!

Barry: I'm coming!

Paul: Hn...

To be Continued...


• Elekid: Thundershock, Swift, Lowkick, and Brickbreak

***Egg Move*** Ice Punch and Fire Punch

• Starly: DoubleTeam, Agility, Quick Attack, and Wing Attack

***Egg Move*** Double-Edge and SteelWing

Paul's Little Sister! Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz