Escorts and Housewives - Bruce Wayne x Reader

Start from the beginning

"You should be thanking the prostitute, Darla. You made out like a bandit in your divorce!" The first one giggled. At this point you were fuming. You were tired of the bile spewing out of all of their pretentious mouths. When the bartender finally served you your drink you took a long swig of it and turned to address the disgusting housewives.

"Just for your information, I prefer the term escort just as much as you all prefer the term housewife over gold digger. At least my clients knew when they were getting screwed." You smiled a sickeningly sweet smile before turning away. "Toodles, ladies." You called sarcastically. You felt like flipping them the bird as you left but you figured that would be laying it on a little thick. All you wanted right now was to get back to your husband's side. People would be less willingly to insult you to your face in front of your intimidating better half.

You spotted your husband chatting with a business colleague from across the room. You took another sip of your drink, enjoying the feeling as the alcohol started to affect your body, and started making your way through the crowd back to Bruce.

You were stopped suddenly by a balding older man that looked vaguely familiar to you. He was clearly already drunk and reeked of liquor and cigarettes. You struggled to keep from gagging.

"Pardon me." You say politely trying to move past the man. His hand shot out and grabbed your arm with far more force and grip than necessary. He pulled you flush to his body and grinded lewdly against you. You frowned in disgust and tried your hardest to push him off of you but his grip was far too firm for you to be successful.

"Get off of me!" You yelled, pushing and punching against his chest. His hand flew to grip your throat to keep your from yelling out.

"Shut it whore. Your boss promised me a night with you before he went out of business. I paid in full so I'm going to get my money's worth." He slurred as you tried to pry and scratch his fingers off your neck. As quickly as this man attacked you, Bruce was by your side forcing him off of you.

"Get off of her." Bruce growled sounding like the other private side your husband. When the man let you go Bruce squarely punched him in the jaw, knocking him to the ground. Your hand went to rub at the bruising developing at your throat as Bruce brought you protectively into his arms inspecting you for further damage. "If you ever so much as look at my wife ever again, I will make your pathetic existence a living hell." He growled threateningly at the man who was rubbing at his jaw. He was lucky it wasn't broken.

Bruce quickly escorted you out of the gala, his touch never leaving you until you got in the car. The car ride was silent as Bruce silently fumed. He soon regained composure and took your hand in his.

"Are you alright?" He asked rubbing small comforting circles on the inside of your palm. You pulled down the mirror in the visor and inspected the bruise forming on your neck.

"I'm fine. Just a bit of light bruising. Nothing a little makeup won't cover up." You insisted. Unfortunately you were all too familiar on how to cover up bruising caused by violent men.

"That's not what I meant." He said. You sighed tears starting to spring into your eyes.

"I felt so weak back there Bruce. I tried so hard to get him off me but no matter how much I struggled it was no use." You said wiping moisture away from your eyes.

"I'm sorry. I should have been at your side the entire night." He insisted.

"It's not your fault Bruce. You can't realistically be around me at all times. I don't blame you." You say. He gripped the steering wheel harder.

"It's supposed to be my job to keep people safe, [Y/N], and I can't even protect you at a party!" He growled. You could tell he wasn't angry at you but rather himself for not be able to do what he considered his responsibility. The car fell into a heavy silence.

"Then teach me." You whispered, your words echoing against the silence. "Teach me how to protect myself, Bruce." You pleaded.

"[Y/N] ..." He started with a sigh.

"I'm not asking to go on patrol with you, Bruce. I'm asking you to show how to defend myself. Please Bruce, I feel so ... vulnerable." You pleaded taking hold of his hand. He didn't answer you and the car fell into another silence. When you got to the manor, Bruce put the car in park and leaned over to give you a passionate kiss. When he pulled away he rested his forehead against yours.

"I will go to the ends of the Earth to keep you safe, [Y/N]." He swore. "I'll teach you everything you need to know. Tonight will never happen again." He promised giving a tender kiss to your forehead.

"I love you." You whisper, pulling your husband to a kiss. He took your hand in his intertwining your fingers.

"I love you more than anything, [Y/N]. You are my world." He whispered back when you pulled away from your kiss. You pulled him back for another, wanting nothing more for him to help you forget this night ever happened.

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