Every Creation Has It's Creator

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Human Genome Project Discovery Implications associated with "Human-looking Extraterrestrials">

The implications of these scientific finds would reinforce claims by other scientists and observers of having contact with 'off-world' human looking extraterrestrials.

The 'off-world' human looking extraterrestrial have been claimed to have provided some of the genetic material for human evolution, and that many of these extraterrestrials have allowed some of their personnel to incarnate as 'star seeds' on Earth in human families. These "star seeds", "star children" or "star people"

Human DNA encoded with extraterrestrial signals>

Now in 2013, scientists from Kazakhstan believe that human DNA was encoded with an extraterrestrial signal by an ancient alien civilisation.

They call it "biological SETI" and the researchers claim that the mathematical code in human DNA cannot be explained by evolution.

In a nutshell, we're living, breathing vessels for some kind of alien message which is more easily used to detect extra terrestrial life than via radio transmission.

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