chapter 2

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"Jade, don't do this." Beck said. 

"I have too Beck. I love you but I am sick and tired of you. You are always checking other girls out, you are never on time, you never listen. I love you but I have to. " 

"No Jade, you want too."  

"Beck, I'm leaving Hollywood Arts, I'm going to normal people school. So either way its over." 

"Jade, Don't" Beck cried. 

"Bye Beck. If we are supposed to be together God will find a way, Destiny will find our way. Whether we will run into each other again, or we just grow old and always remember our 1st love. I love you Beck. But this is it. I wont be going to the show tonight either. Just have Tori replace me. If you think she's so much better then me." She then stormed out. 

Beck just sat there his eyes watering. If I knew that he would have taken it that hard, I wouldn't have wished for this to happen.  

The show has been so great so far. Everybody has been running around getting dressed and practicing one last time. We were the last group to go up. Saving Finally falling for last. We were so good! But I was a little disappointed that Beck didn't look into my eyes like earlier. 

Tori get over yourself. He just went through a break up!

It has been 1 and a half months since we have last seen Jade. It took Beck 3 whole weeks to get over the breakup. He really did love her. Now I feel really bad. But he's finally back, and he told me that he has a crush on someone. He told me that a few weeks ago. Ever since the break up, I have been helping him with anything he needed help on, whatever it was.

He told me yesterday that there is this girl he likes and he is going to ask her out tomorrow, so that would be today. I wish it was me, but I know it won't be. Like I said, It will snow in Cali before Beck likes me.

Never did I think I would be head over heels for my best friend. 

I am now helping mom wrap up the Christmas presents that she will give to the visiting children later on today.  

The phone rang and mom went to answer it.  

"Tori, its for you!" she says walking back to the living room and handing me the phone. 

"Merry Christmas, you have reached Santa's elves at the North Pole, my name is Tinker Tori how may I help you?" I said in a very high ELF like voice. 

"Jack Frost's helper here, I was getting tired of him and decided I wanted to hang out with a little elf, How does that sound?"  It's Beck.

"Well that sounds fabulous, will you be able to bring me back home before Santa needs me to deliver presents?"  

"Well of course! Jack needs me too so I can keep the gates closed and let no elves sneak in" 

"Oh so we will both be on the naughty list. Fun. Where do you wanna meet up?" 

"I'll pick you up. Lets say 10 minutes."  

"That works."

I got ready faster than you can say "Hi Beck I like you." Okay that's a lie. It took me 5 minutes.  

3 minutes later Beck knocked on my door.  

We ended up hanging out at the mall. 

He bought Ice cream and we talked, walked, it was fun.  

"So hows everything with Mr. Claus?" asked Beck. 

I just laughed, and said I was planning on running away. Santa Claus was too bossy around this time of the year.  

He laughed and said the same thing about Jack Frost. This is why we are friends. We can carry on the weirdest conversations ever.

We went to the park and walked around. They were having a Christmas carnival here. It was so fun. It was such a fun day. We were having so much fun playing machine games and everything. Whenever the other won a game we would hug and scream so loud. It was so fun. We even went on the Ferris wheel! It was so fun. 

"So how did it go with this girl?" I asked.  

"I'm still working up the nerve to ask her." 

"Don't ask her, just kiss her, then tell her." 

"Are you sure that will work?" he asked. 

"Maybe, its worth a try. Don't you think?" 

"Yeah, you're right.Thanks." he said hugging me. "Tori, I have to tell you something."  

"Sure yeah, anything."  

"So who do you like?" he asked. 

"I can't tell you that until you tell me who this girl who got you so smiley."  

"You'll know." he said.  

"How?" I asked.  

" You just will. But hey I gotta run. I told Andre I would help him write a song. See ya."  he said hugging me. He pulled away a little and looked right into my eyes, and the whole world disappeared. It was only Beck and I. Nobody else. I could swear he was leaning in, and so was I. Next thing I know we're kissing. His lips are so soft, yet rough. The kiss was also sweet and gentle. If I liked Beck before this, I'm in love with him now. The moment ended with Becks phone ringing. He let it ring two times before answering.

"Yo Andre, My man. Whats up. Yeah I'll be there soon" Then he hung up and kissed me again. And guess what? It started snowing!!!! Well not real snow, but you know that fake snow, with the snow making machine. IT SNOWED!!!! AGHHH! This is the best moment of my life. Beck smiled, hugged me and left. leaving me questioning, what are we? Are we just friends? Did that kiss mean nothing to him? Did it mean nothing? Did he feel the sparks I felt? Was his heart racing as fast as mine? 

The two questions bothering me the most were Was I the girl he meant? The other question was What if Jade comes back? Will he go crawling back to her?  

I walked home in a complete dream. I smiled at everyone, I even waved and said hi to some people, nothing could dampen my mood. Not even Trina's horrible singing when I got home, and being used as a punching bag by the little cousins.

The next few days Beck and I were inseparable. I still didn't know what we were. We kissed all the time. But he still hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend. So I decided I was gonna ask today.

When I asked him what we were he asked "What do you want us to be?" 

"I don't know I mean I know what I want us to be, but this can't just be my decision, you have to be a part of this decision." 

"I'm just scared you don't feel the way I do." he admitted. 

"And how do you feel Beck?" I curiously asked. 

" Okay listen up, I'm a guy and I am not good at expressing my feelings so listen up because I will not repeat myself. You make my heart melt, I think I love you. You make me feel alive. You don't try to take control of my life. I love you, the way you sing, the way you dance, when you smile. I love you. Everything about you. I don't want to spend a second away from you. I guess what I'm saying is will you be my girlfriend?"  

"Yes!" I said hugging and kissing him.  

"I love you." I told him when I pulled away. 

"I love you too." he said giving me a peck on my cheek.  

Ever since then we have been even more inseparable. We are always together, in classes, at lunch, during passing period. He even walks me to my door to give me goodnight kisses after our dates.

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