Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The room was dark as Fallon walked down what seemed like an endless hallway. At the end the girl found herself in a study. The only light emitting from it, a small burning fireplace. The girl cautiously entered as nothing but two large armchairs rested by the fire. Strangely enough she felt comfortable. The warmth of nostalgia filled her as she walked to the front of the two chairs to see a women occupied in one of them. The women was beautiful with long flowing brown hair and a scarlet book rested in her lap. Her hands delicately wrapped around a white mug steaming with freshly brewed coffee.  

Fallon walked up to her before the women raised her head, revealing beautiful green eyes. 

"Fallon. Welcome Home. I just started the next chapter." Her gentle voice echoed as she smiled warmly. 

Before Fallon could mutter another word the room became bright as smoke and red clouded her vision. The girl felt herself choking as the smoke filled her lungs. 



"MOM!" Fallon shouted as she jolted awake. Her forehead was covered in cold sweat as she clung onto her sheets tightly. The girl inhaled deeply, looking around the room in drowsiness. It was another dream... One that she didn't take kindly on remembering. The girl slipped out of bed as she glanced at her mirror. Her clothes from the coffee shop were still on. The brunette's eyes widened as she suddenly remembered the events with the man at the park. 

Thinking about it now, it seemed like it was all a dream. The girl walked toward her closed bedroom door as she suddenly heard voices from outside. Was someone over? 

The door opened fluidly as Fallon squinted due to the change of lightning. Sitting in the living room was Will with a man facing him. The girl only saw the back of his head as she walked to sit down with them. 

"Fallon, I'm glad you're feeling better. This gentleman found you collapsed in the park." Will smiled as the girl gave him a confused look. From the new angle Fallon felt her heart drop as the man from before sat across from her, smirking widely. 

"It's You!" She pointed, quickly standing from her seat. "You're that guy from the coffee shop!" 

"You know him?" Will questioned, drinking his coffee. 

"Of course not! He's some weirdo I met at the Parlor!" Fallon accused. 

"That's no way to thank him for bringing you home." Will scolded. "He's the one who carried you all the way here." 

The man continued to smirk at her, as if he was completely satisfied with her reaction. 

The older man smiled as he glanced at the two staring at each other. Feeling the tension Will excused himself and headed off to the study. 

"What are you doing here?" Fallon muttered quietly, glaring at the man in annoyance. 

"Is that anyway to act to someone who saved your life?" He sarcastically shot back. 

"My life wasn't in any danger in the first place. I fainted because of you." The brunette retorted back. 

"Sorry Love, next time I'll leave you unconscious at the park. Maybe another 'nice guy' can take you to the comfort of their basement." The man scowled coldly. "The least you can do is be grateful." 

Fallon bit her lip in utter defeat. She had lost this argument. "Whatever..." 

"Moving on, I never got to introduce myself. My name is Louis and I came here to change your ways." The man said in complete boredom. " You have become selfish blah blah and now I have come to change your ways blah blah if you do not do so you will face the consequences. All that bull." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2014 ⏰

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