The Game

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Laurence was trying to say that they should try and find her. But they were still screaming.

"Mom! Dad! Shut up! She is gone so let's go and find her. Before she dies if she's alive. Okay?" Laurence was able to scream to them.

"Your right." They both said.
"Well cmon, she could be dying right now-"

"Ahhh! Let's go!"

They all ran into the hallway and they all looked in every room. They all left to going to the last room to find nothing. So they looked around the whole house this time.

They then checked outside.

They looked for hours and couldn't find her.

"I'm going to call the cops." Laurence said with fear inside his head.

"Okay. We will keep looking for her." Dad said.

When the cops came they asked us to go outside and told us they'll try and figure out where she is. They also told us not to worry.
After 45 minutes of waiting, they did they find a boarded up room in the hallway just before the bathroom. They found a trail of blood going in there so they barged the door and and pulled up their guns and said freeze as if there was somebody in there.

"We smelled a bad odor at the door and when we turned on our flashlight, we saw a man that were hanging on a rope and a chair full of blood. The mans name was Jorren Stole. He went missing the day he was suspected to commit suicide. We actually found your daughters toothbrush full of blood leading into her room. Would you like to see? We discovered a few more things but we'll tell you on the way."

"Well let's go then!" Mom said with sadness but at the same time happiness that she might be okay.

But you'll eventually know later that it would take a while.

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