Entry Six

86 10 4

March 28th, 2016

Hey Erick,

So I overheard a few girls brag today in P.E. class, as we were all changing in the locker room, that apparently last night's kickback at Joel's place was amazing. Not like I cared much to know, but my ears were opened to hear a mention of your name.

As I bent down to tie my shoes, I continued to learn more about your and your friends' evening.

I guess Joel and Becky got "too" friendly with each other and her boyfriend just found out last period, Zabdiel and Chris treated themselves to a "few" cases of beers, Richard and Leslie disappeared together halfway through the night, and you helped yourself to exchange numbers with some girls from a neighboring school.

Obviously, that last bit of information stung a little too much.

You're not mine, to begin with, but damn I couldn't help but I burn inside with jealousy when I heard that last part about you and other girls potentially flirting.

I'll be damned.

Sincerely, Kat

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