Chapter 1

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"Yay." I stated sarcastically to my friend over face-time "Come on Kay! Be practical!"

She smiled. "Look. It isnt like he is gonna be all gross and stuff." She said "you wont see me though" she added sadly.

I laughed. "You are so damn full of yourself"

"But anyways, you are moving to Georgia, where your favorite TV show films at! So lighten up!" Kayla said.

"WILLOW! AQUA! WEATHERLY! Get down here!" My mom yelled to me.

I huffed, said goodbye to Kayla and stomped downstairs.

"We will leave in 20 min." She said "have your stuff?"

I nodded and she took my hand in hers, I looked down to see the ring. That cursed thing.

My mother was rich. I'm sorry, and I'm not bragging but we are. So she explored all the time and I stayed home. On one of her adventures she met 'MYSTERY GUY' well that is what i call him. They hit it off, and stuff. So now, we are moving. Its amazing how she will change her life (and her daughters) for someone she just met.

I rolled my eyes and ran upstairs. I grabbed my things and pushed them into the car and waited to leave.

After a while we arrived to the airport and before we got on the plane, i turned around and whispered, only to myself

"This isnt goodbye"


"Willow. Willow. WILLOW!" I was being shook awake. "I'm up!" I yelled and shot up to see my mom. "We're here" she said as I turned on my phone to see it was 4:59 IN THE MORNING!?

She drug all my stuff off the plane and to a limo, that oddly picked us up.

I followed in sleepily, getting the crud out of my eyes. I got in the limo to see my mom hugging someone. And that someone wasnt just anyone, it was him.

"Andrew Lincoln" i stated simply.

"You must be Willow." He said and smiled. I turned to my mom and she smiled too.

"I know what your thinking. And yes I am with him" my mom said "acually, we're engaged"

"Hold the phone." I said sassily.

"So you go to Georgia and explore and that stuff, then you meet one of the members of my favorite TV show? Then you magically start dating?"

"I know its a lot to take in. I'm sorry." My mom said.

"And you-you are the whole reason I moved!" I yelled, ignoring my mother compleatly and pointing my finger at Andrew.

"Willow! I know that might be the jet lag talking but i dont like that attitude." my mom said.

I huffed and rolled over and looked out of the window.

"She'll warm up to you" i heard my mom whisper to Andrew.

Trust me. This is gonna be a long marriage.

I dare you to feel |• Chandler Riggs•|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz