Taken from his home

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(She's the woman that takes him)

Katio is sleeping in his room when a room woman with long black hair with her gentle red eyes looks at him, asleep.

"Katio, wake up." She used to visit him all the time and now she has come take him to her him.

The male rubs his eyes and smiles at her.

"Akane." She nods and a male with purple hair and eyes grabs the males luggage as Katio tries to get up from his bed, but before his falls Akane catches his waist and with that, the 3 of them ecsapes the mansion that the 6 Sakamaki brother don't notice that their brother was gone until they went to school. 

Reiji knocks on the door, but no response. He opens the door to see everything gone (Not the bed, table, and etc). He sighs and walks down. 

"Katio's gone." Latio looks at the black haired male.

"Is he really?" The serious tone makes everyone shut up. Latio is a playboy, but he never let him get hurt and now he leaves? 

"Yes." Latio's neon green eyes close and his fedora covers his face.

"Latio's pissed." Ayato says and steps away from his twin as Latio glares at the glasses wearing brother.

"Let's go to limo already." The lazy blonde says with a dark aura around him. They go to the limo, but Sakamaki brothers are extremely pissed off and Kanato is squeezing Teddy tightly.

The changed Sakamaki brotherWhere stories live. Discover now