Child!Takeda X Child!Reader

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In this, you are 13 and Takeda is 14.

(Y/F/N) - Your Father's Name
(N/N) - Nickname
(Y/W) - Your Weapon

You sat by a small lake, touching the lotus's and enjoying the cool breeze. (Y/F/N) agreed to let you go to the small lake by yourself.

You felt a small push as you fell into the not very deep water. You swam to the surface to see your best friend Takeda laughing. You had to admit, you had a small crush on him, but you'd never admit it.

"Takeda! The water is cold!" You complained, shivering as you crawled out of the water.

"I'm sorry, (N/N)." Takeda said, but he still had a smile on his face and you could tell he was stopping himself from laughing.

"Rude," you huffed, crossing your arms in a playful manner.

"I'm sorry, will this make you feel better?"

"Will what make me f-?"

You were cut off when Takeda's soft lips landed on your cheek. A blush spread across your face as you stayed still in shock. You snapped out of your shocked state and smirked.

"Well, I dunno, Takeda." You said, standing up. "Did it?"

"Considering the blush, I'd say it did." He smirked.

"Fine, you jerk. It did." You huffed as his smirk turned into a smile. "Now shut up and kiss me,"

You two shared a passionate kiss as Takeda placed his hands on your waist. It was romantic- that was, until you heard a twig snap. You pulled out (Y/W) and Takeda pulled out his whip things.

"Who's there?" You both said in unison.

"Takeda, I said wait until you were 18 until you started putting the hands below the waist."

"Dad!" Takeda groaned in embarrassment as the blinded samurai stepped out from the bushes. It was now your turn to laugh.

"Rude," Takeda mocked.

Eh, it's short, but whatever. Request! <3

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