As the months go by......the wedding comes closer.

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Nick and I have been engaged for most of 2016 and now we both know we are ready for this wedding to happen in March. It is already January 2017 a year has gone by and Nick and I really need to get cracking on these wedding plans. We pretty much did everything last year but I noticed something in Nick I hadn't seen before and that was his emotions kicking in.

Nick: Sarah.
Me: Yeah babe.
Nick: I know the wedding isn't until March and it is January but I am really nervous.
Me: I have gone through this once before Nick with your brother and I felt the same way. You remember how I was a nervous wreck. You are feeling those months begin to count down in your head. I know how you feel. I'm going to be by your side through all of this babe. Don't worry about what other people think. This is our wedding coming in March and we are going to make that day the best day of our lives.
Nick: Sarah all this is so stressful. Plus how could you marry someone who can't even control himself because he's a diabetic a majority of the time.
Me: Nick you being a diabetic isn't going to stop me from falling more in love with you. I fell in love with you and I said yes to your proposal because I love you and I want to be there for you just as much as you want to be there for me. Trust me in the end we are going to be happy again. Nick I love you and I'm not letting you go.
Nick: Sarah. You don't understand. I'm a mess. I'm a huge gigantic mess. You deserve someone better than me.
Me: No I don't. I could say the same because I never expected you to fall in love with me. I mean look at me Nick I'm not exactly the prettiest girl in the world and I'm not exactly perfect but neither are you. In my eyes you are and will always be my angel and nothing is going to change that. Nothing Nicholas!
Nick: Sarah you don't know what your words mean to me. Every single time you talk to me I feel like me being a diabetic doesn't stop me from living my life thanks to you.
Me: Nick a majority of my family has diabetes so I know how to help you. I need you Nicholas Jerry Jonas and I want you to be my husband this March weather you like it or not.
Nick: We should get some sleep. It is late.
Me: Yeah maybe we should. Come on let's go upstairs.
Nick: Sarah I love you.
Me: Nicholas I love you too.

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