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And I guess I have forgotten the rotten side of him.  I've forgotten how cruel he can be. I've forgotten the nasty way he would treat others. I've forgotten the sound of his bitter voice. I've forgotten that vile look in his eye. I've forgotten who he really is.

The enemy.

-day 16-

"Okay everyone, are you ready?" Peter asked the lost boys, who were circled all around him. Each nodded their heads with confidence, standing up straight with a weapon in their hand.

Today is finally the day of the attack.  I didn't realize it was today until this morning when Peter announced it during breakfast. It was definitely a wake up call for me, but surprisingly, I wasn't as panicked as I expected myself to be.  Maybe it's because over the past two days, I've been training myself outrageously.

I have learned that I train best when I work alone. My focus just becomes a million times better and I don't need to listen to any nagging comments on my technique or form; I simply do what's comfortable for me. And let me tell you, I've got a great aim for knife throwing. It's become one of my greatest assets, and I'm honestly a little thrilled about the idea of using my skills during the attack.

"Now remember boys, I made you train for a reason. Use the skills you have so you don't get yourself killed. We leave camp in eight minutes." He concluded, stepping away from the huddle.

The rest of the boys actually spent their remaining time of eight minutes wisely by going to one of the training stations and practicing for a little bit. I probably would've done the same, but my mind was off somewhere else, since I was chatting with Wendy about some random topic like we usually do. This time, the topic happened to be about the lost boys and which one was the cutest out of all of them.

Dreadful it was.

"Personally, I think Jonathan is cuter than Steve."  Wendy compared the two boys who were standing just a few feet away from us.  Luckily, they paid no attention.

An expression then appeared on Wendy's face that clearly showed she wasn't finished with her little boy hunt as she looked over my shoulder, viewing some other boy I presume.

"Hey, I never really noticed how cute your brother Bellamy is." She pointed out dreamily, and I arched an eyebrow.  It's not like I think my brother is a hideous beast, but I'm not exactly comfortable having a conversation on how 'cute' he is.

"Let's not talk about how cute my brother is please." I insisted.

"Fine, which boy do you find cute then?" She curiously asked, and I could tell she was fighting a grin. I shot her a playful, 'are you kidding me' type of look.  She should know by now that I would choose James; obvious, I know.

"I'm sure you know that answer already."

"You're right.  I do know." She nodded slowly and suspiciously, then slightly leaning in to say, "Don't worry, I won't tell Peter that you think he's cute."

Girl, what?

Before I could object to Wendy's comment, our names were both called out by Peter, making my head snap up in fear, wondering if he heard Wendy's very false statement.  Yes, Peter is attractive, but he's not that gorgeous.

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