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"Let's play!"

With a loud holler, Peter rushed forward to the pirates, holding his sword in the air and ready to aim his weapon at one pirate in particular, Hook.  The lost boys, including myself, had no choice but to charge along with him, breaking out a fierce scream.  Aghast, I screamed too, even though it was more of a high-pitched squeal.  At the same time, Hook's crew ran towards us, pulling out their own weapons. 

Then, the battle had begun.

"Behind you Jae!" Bellamy warned.

Quickly, I turned around and prepared for contact.  My opponent, who was a hairy pirate slightly taller than me, charged at me with a mighty cry, twirling his sword confidently.  Luckily, I was able to duck from the swing of his sword by dodging to the side.  The pirate, unfortunately, swiveled back in my direction, looking more menacing than before.  With a growl, the pirate thrust his weapon forward, only to be met by my sword, creating an audible 'clang'.

Our swords clinged-and-clanged together for probably about three minutes, and I was nearly out of it.  Don't get me wrong, I can handle using a sword, but the issue is how long I could use it for. Or really, how long I can last.  My heart pounded against my chest as if it were hammering its way out. 

My energy was already draining and it wasn't all that surprising to me; I am still technically a beginner when it comes to fighting.  But, I really thought I could get through this fight without becoming ridiculously tired. 

You're in a freaking battle, Jae.  What did you expect?

The pirate tries aiming for me again, but I shuffle back, wide-eyed and breathing hard.  This pirate wouldn't seem to give up and it was just getting plain annoying.

"You scared, little boy?" The pirate sneered, purposely provoking me. I wasn't bothered by the fact that this pirate thought I was a boy, it's understandable since my face is covered by a bandana, but what did bug me was his little conception of me being scared. Specifically, scared of him. Something about his words made my face heat up in anger.

Irked by his inaccurate comment, I swung my sword back at him unexpectedly with intense force, causing his sword to fly back from his hand. His blood-shot eyes went wide by my abrupt gesture. Without thought, I struck him in the stomach in one swift move. 

The pirate groaned in pain and fell to his death in that instant. His once vicious blue eyes went blank.  When I pulled my sword back out from his body, I squirmed at my now fresh blood-stained weapon.  Pacing back and forth, I awaited for a new opponent to strike, because the one stupid thing you can do in battle is to stand around like an idiot.

It didn't take long for my eyes to lock with another pirate, also known as my next opponent. This man appeared to be more intimidating than the first pirate with his well-built structure and pale skin. The weapon he was holding was not a sword nor any type of blade, it was a crowbar. He certainly gave off a threatening impression that I wouldn't want to mess with, but there's no turning back now.

I lunged at the pirate first, hoping I'll be lucky enough to kill him so I could get it over with.  Sadly, he successfully blocked my shot and as our weapons met, he took the opportunity to kick me right in the gut with his large foot.  A sudden gush of pain jolted throughout my body as I dropped to the ground. 

My stomach ached horribly from his kick; I couldn't get up.  When I tried to push myself back up, I was dragged down to the same spot. It was like my butt was glued to the surface. In a matter of seconds, the pirate approached my body, laughing to himself before raising his crowbar to kill me.  Just when I thought I was a goner, a brilliant idea came to mind.

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