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I took another deep breath and told Dan that i've got another panic attack and bad dreams about things that happened .

Dan asked what dreams and what happened.

I look quizzically at Dan and ask if Will never told him.

Dan says 'Will never talks about family business'

I told Dan the story, the story about me.

It's a complicated story that I never ever told anyone.

'my parents divorced when I was young, me and my brothers Fredrick and Will lived at our mum.

When I was 14 agencies took me out of the house because it wasn't safe for me.

They placed me in a house for children that can't live at home.
My brothers were old enough to take care of them self so they stayed home.

When I was 16 I got a lots of panic attacks and problems with holding my emotions and I stopped talking because I didn't trust anyone.

So the agencies putted me in a mental hospital.

I went from hospital to hospital, and ended all the way up in Brighton.

Last year in November I met this guy Charlie and he helped me to meet my brother Will.

He found out that he plays in bastille.

When i went to that gig ,I saw how amazing Will's life is.

But I'm too afraid to talk to him, I keep getting panic attacks and I'm afraid he doesn't want to see me. And it was also the night I met you Dan.

Anyway a few weeks after the gig Charlie helped me to run away from the mental hospital.

And that's how I met you again. Dan.'

Dan felt really sorry for me.

He said he knew for sure that Will wants to see me.

Like he's the sweetest person in the world.

I looked with a nervous face at Dan and asked if it's weird that I'm not emotionally ready to see Will.

Dan said 'relax, you can't stay here with me, till you're ready to talk, I get your problem and I want to help.

I finally calmed down and asked Dan why he's so nice to me.

Dan said "your Will's little sister, i would do everything to help my band member and his family, And I think you are really nice person Luanna."

There was a little silence for a while and then Dan said, we should do something fun so we forget all the problems.

I asked Dan if he didn't feel awkward being under the same blanket with me, because I'm one of his band mates little sister.

Dan said "Oh sorry I totally forgot, I just wanted to comfort you because just feel really shit right now, I just meant this in a good way not another way if you get what I mean." He smirked at me.

Dan stood up and looked a bit startled around and I could tell on his face that he was a bit embarrassed.

But I told him it's okay he sat back with me on the couch and he asked if I wanted to watch a movie.

I said 'sure why not'

He had an case full of films from "David Lynch" .

He asked me which film.

And I said 'your favourite'

When the movie started,

I looked at Dan and said "You must love David Lynch, your house is full of his stuff"

Dan laughed and said "Haha sorry I'm just really fascinated, his films are the best"

While we were watching the movie Dan constantly said "and now she's going to do" or "and now they are going to "

HE knew every little thing that happened.

Dan phrases softly he could recite each sentence.

Which was kind of cute.

The next morning I opened my eyes and realized I didn't dream about being in Dan's house.

I was a bit shocked when I also realized that I was lying next to him on the couch. With my head on his thigh.

Dan woke up opened his eyes and said good morning to me.

After a little talk Dan said he was going to make us breakfast.

I asked him if I could take shower.

Of Couse I could he said, he gave me a towel and showed me the bathroom.

After taking a shower I had to walk to Dan's bedroom to get my clothes.

But I got distracted by the way Dan was making breakfast in the kitchen.

I was watching him ,when he turns around he sees me standing in front of him and he almost falls on me.

We both start laughing and then kept looking in each other eyes.

I softly said that I should get dressed.

After I got dressed I went to Dan and he lined the table with breakfast real quick.

We sat down and ate his delicious self-made breakfast.

While his turntable is playing an lp.

Dan wanted to know how it is to have Will as a brother

I told him that Will used to be a bad ass when he was young.

I told Dan one story about Will getting his first tattoo.

"The spider on his arm.'

We've been laughing for a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2016 ⏰

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