Daniel Smith

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It actually went simple, i packed my stuff and went away.


It was a long ride with the train to London.

When i arrived in London i searched for the coffee shop where Charlie works.

I saw him helping costumers.

When i walked in Charlie asked me if i could help him tonight in the shop.

Of course i can.

We fist talked in the back of the shop,About how and whats happening now.

After our talk we went to work in the shop.

After four hours Charlie asked me for a last favour.

And that was ,if i maybe could close the shop tonight.

he had to leave early.

A girl was waiting for him.

I could tell on her face how shy she is.

Charlie didn't want to be rude so he introduced me to the girl.

Her name was Joanna.

When Charlie walks with me to the back of the shop he gives me the keys to close the shop tonight.

I smirk at him and ask if she's his girlfriend.

His face got red and said 'nah just a friend'

Later Charlie went away with his 'friend' Joanna.

I kept working in the shop till closing time.

There was still one guy inside with a well-known face.

I could tell on his face that he was stressed

I asked him if he was okay.

He looks at me from head to toe.

he looks right in my eyes.

I immerse myself in his beautiful blue eyes.


He kept looking in to my eyes.

I asked him again if he was okay.

He blinks and moves with his hands through his fluffy hair.

He says that he's okay while He robes the paper from his block note and stuffed it, and throws is away

I carefully picked up the paper and opened it and read it.

It was a song lyric.

He had an small keyboard with him, I asked him if he could play me a little bit.

He says that it sounds awful, but he still played a little bit for me.

He started to sing and play on his little keyboard.

"These are the things the things we lost the things we lost in the fire fire fire"

When he stopped signing after a few sentence I told him it was perfect.

He said thank you, but afterwards he said that the chords don't work out.

I asked him if I could play a little bit.

He said 'sure go ahead.'

I sat beside him and I played a little bit, and sang ( which sounded pretty awful)

But he liked it and said "Thank you that sounds much better.

He turns around to me and puts out his hand , and I put out my hand and shake his, he says "I'm Daniel , Daniel Smith, but you can call me Dan"

I said to him "Nice to meet you Dan Smith , I'm Luanna .......Farquarson"

We kept looking in each other's eyes for a while, while holding each other's hands.

Then I said 'So.... Dan Smith from bast....'

I couldn't end my sentence and he already said "Bastille'

Dan says yes,and asked if we ever met.

Yeah he definitely remembers me from that night in Brighton.

So I told him yes.

Then Dan asked 'You're the girl from that gig in Brighton right?'

I said yes to him.

I smiled at him and asked so 'Bastille like , William Farquarson as bassist'

Dan said yes.

then i said 'I'm his little sister' while i blushed.

Dan had his mouth open and says 'from all the people in the world I randomly became friends with Luanna Farquarson the sister of Will that's just impossible, he never tells anything about his family.'

Dan gave me a hug and asked if I was okay back then in Brighton because of all the crying.

I said 'just having a shitty time.

He said that I'm his friend now and that i could tell him anything if I need to.

I said thankyou to him.

Thanks for being my friend.


Bastille - Luanna Farquarson Where stories live. Discover now