Chapter 7-Escape

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Adelphia slipped four white paws through the already dug out holes at the metal cuffs, slashing at the two rouges closest to her with her front claws before they even had time to defend themselves. They staggered back and fell to the ground stunned. Her claws caught the two in their abdomen and while she managed to draw blood she knew straight away that the wounds were far too shallow and would heal in a matter of minutes. Still her attack accomplished her aim of distracting them. The bastards most likely didn’t expect an attack from a prisoner much less a female. This would teach them not to underestimate her. The area of the cell was too small for more than one of them to shift leaving them defenceless unless they chose to shift outside her cell blocking her way out, in which case to say she would be in trouble would be an understatement.  While they were getting over their initial shock she shifted to her human form and slid out from under the metal nailed at her back as swiftly as she was able, the few seconds seeming to take minutes as her body scrambled out ungracefully, completely exposed to her five captors. She changed back before they managed to add to the scars already on her vulnerable human body. A relieved huff escaped her lips as she felt the strength of her wolf body overtake her and let her cold green eyes drift to the rest of her enemies.  The two with the torture instruments had, unfortunately recovered from their astonishment the moment she turned human and had thrown their weapons. Two silver knives pierced her pelt a few nanoseconds after she shifted back as did a couple of the needles. The tray clattered to the floor candles rolling on the uneven ground in all directions while the glass box shattered, the needles following their candle comrades. The instruments buried in Adelphia’s flesh were a source of major discomfort but nothing beyond her ability to handle, she’d been through far worse. She kept her anguished howl and whimpers inside as she charged through the open cell bars leaving the two with no other choice but to let her go or be killed trying to stop her. Of course they both stepped aside, fear for their own lives outweighing the need to capture her. When she was out of the cell she turned right, the direction they had entered from in the hope that this way would lead her outside.

Black claws punctured the rocky ground with increasing speed as Adelphia quickened her pace and wondered at the fifth tormenter’s actions. After drawing the blood of his companions he had stared at her with empty eyes, his face blank. It was an odd reaction that bewildered Adelphia, she expected him to attack her, to prevent her escape but he just watched her leave without lifting a finger. While others might have thought of this deed as silent help offered by one who has suffered to one about to suffer Adelphia was not so optimistic. She ran through all the possibilities she could think of and came to the only plausible conclusion just as she reached the outside of the cave. He had mind-linked someone, most likely the other two that had attacked her. She had to get away from here as fast as she could before she was captured again. She would have laughed if the situation were not so dire. Escaped to be captured and now she had two packs after her instead of just the one. She was quite the notable person wasn’t she? A weak sixteen year old that had shifted for the first time, she held no delusions about her own powerlessness. The only reason she was able to survive this day was thanks to the miracle of possessing a white wolf and for whatever peculiar purpose they had for leaving her alive.  

The night air greeted her as she sailed past the cave entrance. The moon was already high in the dark sky suggesting that it was well past midnight and again she was forced to be grateful for the pain she received at her old pack’s hands which allowed her to be refreshed even by the few hours of unconsciousness she experienced, she won’t need to sleep for a while yet and she appreciated that fact. Her steps faltered as she examined her surroundings and found herself to be up on one of the very mountains she admired only hours before when she had first escaped. Up close it was more spectacular, the rocks at her feet all different shades of brown and grey with green grass and weeds growing in between, the tall trees invited her into their green folds as she listened to the night predators hunt silently and the scurry of the prey as they sought to save themselves. The hunter and the hunted. It was the very game she played but unfortunately hers was the role opposite to her birthright, she had to scamper and hide for fear of death and pain from her own kind. The predators. She was one also and one day she would hunt those that hunt her now, until then she had to survive and get stronger.

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