But all I know now is that I definitely have some sort of feelings for Rosen - I just have to figure out if it's physical or mental attraction.


Rosen and I mutually agreed that Sundays would be our practice days as that's most convenient for the both of us. So Sunday at 5PM sharp I was at the dance studio and Rosen was there as well, just like he promised he would be. Today we start practising the second half of our routine finally. As much as I love dancing, I'm honestly so excited to be closer to the finish line with this choreography.

"So, here's what I wanna do," Rosen says as he plays the song so it would be quietly playing in the background. "I'm gonna do the jump right here and then you'll come back and lift my face slowly and after that do an arabesque."

I nod my head as Rosen gets in position and waits for the right part of the music. I let my eyes stare at his beauty whilst waiting for my moves. He was just so damn gorgeous, I don't understand how he just pushes people away. I know it's probably because his mom is sick and he doesn't want to get attached to other people in case somethings happens to them as well but he can't let that fear ruin the rest of his life. One day he's going to have to start loving someone and ignore the fact that one day we're all going to die, because death is inevitable as we all know it.

As Rosen does his little jump and lands perfectly on his feet like a cat, I run up to him and lift his face slowly like he instructed, staring at his crystalline green eyes, easily getting lost in them like a lovesick puppy. Rosen's eyes stare at mine as I keep my hand on his chin as we slowly stand up and my mind goes totally blank, ignoring the next move I have to do.

Instinctively I close my eyes and start to lean closer to him, desperately needing to feel his lips on my for the first time. My heart wanted to jump out of my chest as I thought about kissing him, our lips only centimetres apart. A distant part of my brain was yelling at me to stop and pull away before things get too complicated between us but by now, my hormones had total control over my body and all I could think about was kissing him. I didn't even know if he wanted to kiss me back or not but I didn't really care, I was being selfish and thinking about my own needs.

Finally, I hear the words that completely shattered my heart, "Hazel, no."

My eyes instantly snap open as Rosen pulls away from me and takes a cautious step back in case I try something like that again. I felt completely embarrassed, my entire body going hot as I feel Rosen staring at me, probably wondering why I wanted to kiss him so badly. I can feel my cheeks turning dark red and I try to hide my embarrassment by turning away from Rosen.

"Hey, hey, don't be embarrassed or sad," Rosen says and takes my hand softly in his. "Right now is not the time for us to kiss. The time will come and you'll know when it's the right time."

Although Rosen didn't say we'll actually kiss in the future, just the thought of him saying that right now isn't a good time for us to kiss gave me hope for the future. I don't really know if that was his way of saying he's attracted to me, but I took it as a sign of attraction. For once in my life I'm going with my gut feeling and my gut says he's interested in me, just like I'm interested in him.

We practised for about two hours and by the end of our practice session, both of us were completely drained of energy. I lay on the floor as I stare at the ceiling, Rosen's playlist softly playing in the background. None of us really said anything, but when I turned to look at Rosen, he was staring at me. Behind his eyes was an emotion that I couldn't really grasp. Maybe he was admiring my beauty but considering I was covered in sweat and all red in the face, I doubt that was it.

"I'm so damn tired," I finally announce. "I just want to have a warm cup of tea and curl up in blankets and watch a movie."

Rosen pushes himself onto his elbows, "Let's do that."

Unraveling Rosen | ✓Where stories live. Discover now