chapter 5

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Emily’s POV

We walked into the living room. ‘sit’ my dad said strict while he points to the chair. When Niall sat he tight him up, with a thick rob. ‘what’s going on?’ he asked looking at me. ‘you are going to have a little chat with your band mates’ my dad said formally. ‘what?!..’

‘are you kidding me?!’ Niall said more confused than ever. ‘do I look like I’m kidding?’ my dad said. I just stood there, I don’t know what to do. Niall looked awful, with his eye blue/purple swollen up, a scratch above his left eyebrow, a big purple bruise on his left jaw, he looked also really pale. If the boys are going to see him like that..

‘Emily!!’ my dad shouted. Oops I probably zoned out a bit. ‘I’m sorry dad I was lost in my own thoughts’ I said as sweet as possible. My dad sighed deep. ‘you film, but make sure they can’t see my face’ my dad said as he handed the phone. ‘call them, you say nothing the whole time.’ My dad continued. I nodded, Niall looked helpless. ‘okay ready? Call, let the show begin’ I pressed the call button.

‘hello?!’ Harrys voice filled the room, Niall closed his eyes. ‘helloo Harry missed me?’ my dad said with a big smile, I think even Harry could hear it. Before Harry or one of the other boys could answer my dad spoke further ‘are you ready to see your little friend again?’. Harry said nothing you could only hearing him taking deep breaths. My dad laughed and nodded at me. I pressed ‘Face Time” in.

The screen went black. A couple seconds later I could see the four boys on the phone screen. They couldn’t see me because I had the camera on Niall. They all gasped when they saw Niall, even though Niall looked at the ground. ‘look up and say hi to your band mates’ my dad command Niall. Slowly Niall looked up, in the camera. ‘heey lads how you’re doing?’ his voice was weak and sad. The other boys faces where broken, I felt pity, and discussed with myself, I did this, I kidnapped Niall, how could I do that?!

 I felt a tear escape my eye. I looked back at Niall, he was looking at me, quite confused. I mouthed a ‘sorry’. My dad was speaking the whole time, I didn’t listen. But I knew he was saying, mean, threatened things. I suddenly started to get disgust by my dad. How could he do this? Niall did nothing wrong!

I can’t look at him, I closed my eyes. I cringed when I heard a slap, Niall whined. Let it be over soon…


Niall sat on 'his' bed. He looked so broken, tired, hurt, sad.. He was staring blankly to the walls. I sighed and walked out the room. While I was walking to my room I saw my guitar. I grabbed it and walked back to Niall.

Niall was still staring blanky to the walls.I held the guitar in his view. He looked up, to the guitar and then at me. 'here, I thought you would like it' I said with a weak smile.


Thanks for the sweet comments!! I hope you liked the capther! :)


i kidnapped Niall Horan.... (on break, I'm sorry :( )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu