Chapter 16. Leaving

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I was bare footed and still in a hospital dress. My hair was down and my body held gently in his arms.
“Zarachael?” I opened my eyes and looked up at Kakashi.
He smiled though his mask before looking out ahead. I looked over at what he turned to and noticed we were out of the village by a large tree. This tree, I remembered it somewhere, somewhere long ago.
He walked over to the tree when I remembered it all.
“Kakashi!” I laughed aloud. He was chasing me with a spider when I tripped on the roots of a large tree.
I instantly began to cry, “Kakashi!” I called his name miserably.
“Zarachael a-are you okay?”
I shook my head and cried even louder. The foot I had tripped on began to bruise.
“Zarachael please don’t tell on me!”
I soon became quite and wiped my eyes. I gave him a frown, “I wasn’t going too…”
He stared at me and smiled through his mask, “Zarachael,” he laughed, “I love you!” He picked me up within his arms and ran.
“Dad! Dad!”
“Kakashi?” Sukumo replied.
“Zarachael fell!”
Our parents all sat on a rug that was meters away from the tree. We were out here for a picnic.
“Bring her here!” Kakashi walked over to his father, his heart pounding against his chest, “Zarachael my dear, are you okay?”
I shook my head and curled into Kakashi’s arms. My parents giggled at each other before my mother removed me from Kakashi, “What happened?”
My head shot up, “Nothing!” I screamed.
Kakashi looked down before stepping forward, “I-I did it…”
“Kakashi!” Sukumo’s voice sounded disappointed.
I squirmed out of my mother’s arms and jumped onto Kakashi, bringing myself into his chest, “It’s not his fault.” Tears trickled past my eyes, “It’s not!” I shouted.
“Kakashi… can you put me down?” I whispered. His body soon felt uneasy and tense.
“If you can hold yourself I can, but you’re too weak. It would be better if I didn’t.”
I looked back at the tree, “Okay…”
We were back in the village and as soon as we got to Kakashi’s apartment a white masked man appeared before us. We were by the table when he walked into the room, “Sir, you have been asked to see the Hokage.”
I stood onto my feet and walked weakly over to the sink which was on the further end of the room. Kakashi looked over and smiled at me, he noticed I hadn’t made a commotion, but really the knives were just there.
“Okay thank you.”
The ninja disappeared and Kakashi made his way over towards me, leaning on the sink beside me.
“Kakashi,” I placed my hand on top of my beating chest, “I was so scared!” I laughed as his expression only came to realised why I moved.
“You know I wouldn’t have let anything happen to you.”
“Yeah whatever.” I turned to the sink and filled a glass full of water, trying to hide the blush on my face.
“I’ll be back soon.” He gave me a tap on the shoulder and a pleasant smile before walking out of the room.
Kakashi’s apartment wasn’t that bad. It just needed a little justifications and dusting. The first place I started off with was the kitchen, there wasn’t much washing that had to be done but the place had cobwebs everywhere. Kakashi wasn’t the type to have guests over so I guess maybe he ate out a lot. I smiled as I washed the little dishes in the sink and scrubbed the almost rusting stove. I cleaned out the cupboard before doing the bathroom. Before I knew it the apartment was clean from every corner of the apartment, it looked different and better than it did before.
Kakashi still hadn’t arrived when I decided to make dinner. I walked down the road to the small supermarket and bought a small bag of rice with some vegetable and pork meat. Kakashi always had money laying around the place, I was surprised that it had been enough to pay for the food.
The rice had finished cooking and the stew was still on the stove.
“I’m back!”
I ran to the entrance of the apartment and bowed, “Welcome home!”
Kakashi slipped his shoes off and smiled, patting me over the head, “Wow!”
“KAKASHI!” Kakashi turned to me when I called him in abrupt, “Thank you for letting me stay here, I’m really grateful and I hope you enjoy tonight’s dinner.”
“Thank you for staying…”
We sat by the table and ate silently. I stared at Kakashi’s face and admired his ever handsome features. He noticed and smiled as he took a spoonful in.
Kakashi had finished the stew completely when I brought out dessert, “Please enjoy this!”
Kakashi laughed, “I-” he paused and thought about what he was about to say, “I will.”
I looked at him, he ate the dessert as if he never eaten before, “Kakashi, a-are you still hungry.”
To my amazement he replied, “No, I was just happy that you cooked me food, and that you cleaned the whole house. I thought I was elsewhere but you were here!”
I laughed and cleaned the table as he sat quietly, fiddling with his hands, “Kakashi, did something happen?”
Kakashi looked up at me with disappointment, “I’m leaving.”
I felt my heart drop, “Sorry?” I kept my gaze down at the sink.
“Tomorrow morning…”
Did he resent me that much that he had to leave? I wanted to turn to him and beg for him not to, was that what he wanted?
I slowly began to wash and tears welled up, “Why?”

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